Call for papers in Computational Phonology

From Jeff Heinz (


Phonology (Cambridge University Press)

Thematic issue: ‘Computational phonology’

Projected to appear as one of the first issues of Phonology 34 (2017)

Computation continues to play a central role in generative grammar. Within phonology, the kinds of computations and representations employed in grammars is an ever-present issue. This thematic issue on computational phonology capitalises on the recent surge of interest in computational phonology, broadly construed. Submissions are invited which:

– Characterise and/or otherwise examine the computational nature of phonological systems;

– Provide algorithms and/or models which successfully learn aspects of phonology;

– Address computational issues at the interfaces of phonology and other components of grammar such as phonetics and morphology.

Papers are welcome from any theoretical perspective, including – but not limited to – constraint-based grammars, derivational grammars, finite-state grammars, statistical grammars, non-statistical grammars and grammars utilising string-based, feature-based or other structured representations of words or other phonological domains.

This thematic issue, which will be edited by Jeffrey Heinz (University of Delaware) and William J. Idsardi (University of Maryland), is open to all potential contributors, and is projected to appear as one of the first issues of Phonology 34 (2017).

The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2016.

General information on the submission of manuscripts can be found in previous issues of the journal, or on the Phonology website (

For this issue, submissions should be sent in PDF format to and An abstract (no longer than 150 words) should be included.

Preference will be given to papers which will occupy no more than 20 printed pages in the journal (around 8000 words).

Submissions will be read by at least two reviewers and by the editors of the thematic issue.