Following the meetings held in Lublin (June 2015) and Nijmegen (December 2015), the Phonological Theory Agora network invites submissions for its next meeting to be organized in Tours, France, on October 14th-15th.
The topic of the Tours meeting is “Phonology and the lexicon”. This year there will be three sessions.
Day 1: “Phonology and the lexicon”
1) Morning : Tutorial “Phonology and the lexicon”
Delivered by Ricardo Bermúdez Otero (Manchester) and Donca Steriade (MIT)
2) Afternoon : “Make a claim and defend it”
PTA aims at promoting discussion and offers 10-minute slots in which each speaker makes a claim related to the topic of the meeting.
We invite one-page submissions for claim-making standups. Each talk is followed by a (relatively) long discussion (20 min).
3/ Day 2: Dataset workshop
On day 2 there will be a workshop whose goal is to promote discussion and theory-oriented debate in an original way. The idea is to define a data set that everybody works on to show how it could be analyzed in different theories. We invite one-page abstracts proposing a solution this dataset, which will be announced on the PTA website ( by the end of April 2016
You are invited to send your abstract for the “Make a claim and defend it” session and / or the “Data set workshop”
Where to :
Deadline for submision : June, 25th 2016
Notification : July, 10th 2016
Final program : End of July
The organization of the event will be coordinated by Nicola Lampitelli, LLL, University of Tours.
If you need more information please contact: Nicola Lampitelli (