Hyde 2016: Overlap, Recursion, and Ternary Constructions

Direct link: http://roa.rutgers.edu/content/article/files/1544_hyde_1.pdf

ROA: 1283
Title: Overlap, Recursion, and Ternary Constructions
Authors: Brett Hyde
Length: 45 pages
Abstract: A number of advantages have been claimed in the recent literature for theories that allow recursive, or internally layered, feet (Bennett 2012, Kager 2012, Martínez-Paricio 2013). The claimed advantages lie in the ability of recursive feet to capture phenomena associated with ternary stress configurations, whether the patterns involve repeating ternary configurations, ternary configurations embedded in otherwise binary patterns, or the ternary configurations found in trisyllabic accent windows. Because overlapping feet (Hyde 2002, 2016) have been acknowledged to cover the same empirical territory as recursive feet, however, any advantages that arise from recursive feet are not actually advantages over overlapping feet.

The reverse is not true. A number of phenomena that can be captured with overlapping feet cannot be captured with recursive feet. Ternary configurations can be divided into two basic types based on the ratio of stressed syllables to syllables. The first type has one stressed syllable out of three, and the second type has two stressed syllables out of three. The 1-to-3 ratio is the ratio that is typically examined when ternary configurations are discussed in the literature, but the theory must also address patterns based on the 2-to-3 ratio. To demonstrate the advantages of overlapping feet over recursive feet, the paper focuses on two phenomena that require the theory to represent ternary configurations with 2-to-3 ratios: quantity-insensitive binary stress patterns and trisyllabic accent windows.

Type: Paper/tech report
Keywords: stress, ternarity, minimality, accent windows