Vago 2017: *VV in Hungarian

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ROA: 1311
Title: *VV in Hungarian
Authors: Robert Vago
Comment: To appear in: Approaches to Hungarian. Vol. 15: Papers from the 2015 Leiden Conference, Harry van der Hulst & Aniko Liptak (eds), 239-251. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2017. This work is under copyright; the publisher should be contacted for permission to
Length: 17 pp
Abstract: In Hungarian, suffixation derives robust instances of heteromorphemic vowel sequences (V1+V2). This work reports on an investigation of the facts (as culled, inter alia, from traditional grammars; Kenesei et al. 1998; Siptar & Torkenczy 2000; Siptar 2008) and provides analyses for the data within the framework of Optimality Theory. It brings together a conspiratorial web of mechanisms to respect a *VV constraint: V1 deletion; V2 deletion; suffix allomorphy. Exceptional cases are treated in terms of constraint reranking (Gouskova 2013). The main finding is that the story of vowel sequences across suffixes, not well studied in the phonological literature, as told from the perspective of Hungarian, provides strong support for Casali?s (1997, 1998, 2011) model of hiatus resolution.
Type: Paper/tech report
Area: Area: Phonology. Keywords: Allomorphy, constraint reranking, exceptionality, hiatus, Hungarian, optimality theory, positional faithfulness, vowel deletion