Call for papers: Twenty-Sixth Manchester Phonology Meeting


The Twenty-Sixth Manchester Phonology Meeting

24-26 MAY 2018

Deadline for abstracts: 19 February 2018

Conference website:

Special session: ‘SPE at 50: what remains?’

The special session will feature the invited speakers listed (in alphabetical order) below and will conclude in an open discussion session when contributions from the audience will be very welcome.

Invited speakers:

* Silke Hamann (University of Amsterdam)
* David Odden (Ohio State University)
* Anne-Michelle Tessier (University of Michigan and Simon Fraser University)

Invited discussant:
* Joan Mascaro (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)

The conference will be held at Hulme Hall, Manchester, England, and is organised through a collaboration of phonologists at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Manchester, and elsewhere.

* There will also be a FRINGE workshop on the afternoon of Wednesday 23rd May, timed to coincide with the mfm, on ‘Phonological Solutions to Morphological Problems’, organised by Heather Newell and Shanti Ulfsbjorninn.


* This mentions only a few details – please consult the website for full information:

* There is no obligatory conference theme for the 26mfm – abstracts can be submitted on anything phonological.

* Abstracts should be uploaded to the 26mfm’s page on the EasyAbstracts site by 19th February 2018:

* Full papers will last around 25 minutes with around 5 minutes for questions, and there will be high-profile poster sessions lasting one and a half hours. When you submit your abstract, you will be asked to indicate whether you would be prepared to present your work either as a talk or a poster paper or only as a poster.

* We aim to finalise the programme, and to contact abstract-senders by mid to late March, and we will contact all those who have sent abstracts as soon as the decisions have been made.

**Further important details** concerning abstract submission are available on the conference website. Please make sure that you consult these before submitting an abstract:

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Scotland, with registration number SC005336.