From Savithry Namboodiripad
Dear friends and colleagues,
Please complete and share in your departments this short anonymous survey about your experiences in linguistics and related fields — we want to hear from researchers at all stages of their careers, from all over the world, whose work relates to language in some way. We welcome responses from those who have left academia as well!
This survey is being undertaken by Lynn Y-S Hou (University of California, San Diego), Savithry Namboodiripad (University of Michigan), & Corrine Occhino (Rochester Institute of Technology). It is motivated by the recent discussions around climate and harassment in Linguistics and related fields.
We ask two main questions:
Q1: How have our identities shaped our professional experiences?
Q2: How can we improve the climate in our field(s)?
In order to address these larger questions, the questions in this survey address the following more specific topics:
- Who are we?
- In what fields and departments are we working?
- How do we perceive the climate in our field(s)?
- What barriers have there been to a positive climate?
- What has facilitated a positive climate?
Ultimately, we wish to empower individuals to speak about their experiences as members of this community, and to collect information which can be used to offer solutions for those who would like to work toward a more inclusive community.
We know your time is valuable: the survey takes about 20 min if you complete every section, but just completing the multiple choice questions takes less than 5 minutes! And, you don’t have to do it all in one sitting!
Questions and comments can be directed to
Thank you so much for your time!