We are very pleased to announce the 5th NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology (NINJAL ICPP 2018), to be held at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) on October 26-28, 2018. This three-day conference features the following two main topics:
?????(a)?sokuon, or geminate consonants??
?????(b)?accent, tone, and intonation
The following speakers have been invited to give talks on the topics.
Laura Downing (University of Gothenburg)
Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Yukari Hirata (Colgate University)
Junko Ito (UC Santa Cruz)
Sun-Ah Jun (UCLA)
Bob Ladd (University of Edinburgh)
Aditi Lahiri (University of Oxford)
Armin Mester (UC Santa Cruz)
Rachid Ridouane (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Jaehyun Son (Duksung Women’s University)
We invite abstracts for poster presentations related to at least one of the two main topics. If it is related, any presentation is welcome, even if it is not concerned with Japanese. Abstracts on the interface between lexical accent/tone and intonation will be particularly welcome.
Rules for Abstract Submission:
– The official language of the conference is English.
– A single individual may submit only one abstract for which s/he is the sole or ?rst author.
– Abstracts should be on A4 (or letter) size paper, typed on one side of the page only.
– Leave margins of 2.5cm (1 inch) on all four sides of the page. Type in 12-point font.
– Do not put your name or affiliation on your abstract. Abstracts must not exceed 1 page, inclusive of figures, tables, and references.
– Please save your abstract both as a Word file [using the file name “ICPP2018_Your surname.docx” or “ICPP2018_Your surname.doc”] and as apdf file [using the file name “ICPP2018_Your surname.pdf”].
– To submit your abstract, please send an e-mail message with both files attached toicpp2018@ninjal.ac.jp. Please write “ICPP abstract” in the subject line of your e-mail message.
– The submission deadline is June 30, 2018. Notification of acceptance will be sent in July 2018.
Oral presentations will be by invitation only. We will not be accepting abstracts for oral presentations.
Financial Support:
For graduate students who are the sole or first author of a presentation, the organizers anticipate being able to cover transportation expenses within Japan and lodging expenses, at least in part, but please understand that all public institutions in Japan are facing budget reductions.
For more information, see our website: http://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody/?page_id=587&lang=en
Please contact us at ICPP2018@ninjal.ac.jp if you have any questions.