The 16th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP16) will take place at the University of Verona, Italy, 16-18 January 2019.
Invited speakers:
– Will Bennett (University of Calgary)
– Ulrike Domahs (University of Marburg)
– Martin Krämer (UiT, Tromsø)
We welcome submissions on any topic in phonology. We invite abstracts for talks (20 minutes, followed 10 minutes of discussion) or posters. Each individual may submit a maximum of one abstract as first author (or sole author), and a maximum of two abstracts in total. Abstracts will be (blindly) peer-reviewed by an international panel of reviewers.
Abstract guidelines:
- Maximum 2 pages of A4 paper, including references, examples, tables, and figures.
- 12 pt Times New Roman font, or similar.
- 2.54 cm (one inch) margins on all sides.
- Anonymous
- PDF format
Abstracts not following these guidelines will be rejected without review.
Abstract submission, reviewing, and notification of acceptance will be handled using EasyChair link:
The deadline for abstract submission is 16 September 2018
Notification of acceptance will be late October/early November
Conference webpage:
Conference e-mail:
Organizing committee
Birgit Alber (University of Verona)
Joachim Kokkelmans (University of Verona)
Barbara Vogt (University of Trieste)
Advisor to the organisers
Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)