27mfm Fringe
“Teaching Phonology: The State of the Art”
Date: Wednesday 22 May 2019 (afternoon only, approximately 2-6pm)
Call deadline: 28 February 2019
A workshop on “Teaching Phonology: The State of the Art” will be held at the University of Manchester on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 as a satellite event to the 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting.
This workshop is intended to allow us to exchange ideas about what we do when we teach phonology, what we teach and how we might tackle particular topics and issues. We are interested in submissions that explore what, how, and/or why phonology is taught across varied institutions and contexts. With diverse views among researchers about the remit and basic assumptions of phonology, against the backdrop of shifting winds in higher education, how has the teaching of phonology evolved from how we ourselves were taught at varying times in the past? What core topics are selected for introductory courses – and what is left out – and how are this foundation built on in more advanced courses? What types of assignments are given? Do you use a textbook? If so, which one? With bimodal grade distributions being anecdotally common, how can difficult topics be explained in more accessible ways? What other novel teaching methods can be used?
We are open to suggestion as to what a presentation might involve and we invite colleagues to propose something. We imagine that the session might involve a range of types of presentation, from 10 minute descriptions of what the syllabus is at your institution, to longer talks on pedagogical issues, or even a panel on a particular subject. We will have up to around 4 hours during the workshop, and we will encourage those attending to bring along their syllabus even if they don’t plan to give a talk.
In order to propose a topic, please send a PDF attachment to Yuni Kim ( by 28 February 2019. In no more than 250 words, you should set out what you would like to talk about and how long you imagine you might want to talk for. (We reserve the right to suggest a different timing if your proposal is accepted.) In the document, please also include your name and institution to help us ensure a varied range of perspectives.
The program will be announced in late March. This is a very informal meeting and there will be no registration fee.
Organisers: Yuni Kim (Essex), Patrick Honeybone (Edinburgh), Elizabeth Zsiga (Georgetown)