RFP deadline extended to March 14

The deadline for the 2016 edition of the RFP conference has been extended to March 14.
More details available here:


Kind regards
The RFP 2016 organizing committee


The French Phonology Network (Réseau français de phonologie) is launching a call for papers for its 2016 annual conference. Building on the success of the conferences organized in Orléans (2010), Tours (2011), Paris (2012), Nantes (2013), Lille (2014) and Bordeaux (2015), the 2016 edition will take place from 30 June to 2 July at the Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.

The conference is sponsored by the research laboratory « Bases, Corpus & Langage », UMR 7320.

We are pleased to announce that the following researchers have accepted invitations to give keynote talks:

-Patrick Honeybone, Univ. Edinburgh

-Philippe Ségéral, Univ. Paris vii

-Péter Szigetvári, Univ. Eötvös Loránd (Budapest)

Main session

Submissions are welcome from linguists working in any school or theoretical framework. Topics of interest may relate to phonology in general or propose a phonological analysis of a linguistic phenomenon in a specific language. Topics may focus on, but are not limited to, signal processing, perception, acquisition, diachrony, dialectology, formalism, epistemology, descriptive phonology and all issues which explicitly deal with phonology and its interfaces.

Thematic session

This year, we particularly encourage communications focusing on dialectology and/or diachrony.

Variation in time and space:

1) variation in space. Dialectologists and phonologists usually have similar concerns: understand a process, describe a given system, explain a change and, possibly, make a theoretical proposal. The prisms of each other do not always entirely superimpose: among phonologists, there are those who rather aim to model, evaluate theories, focus on representations and, among dialectologists, there are those who rather show interest in data collection, in typology, in reconstruction. This difference in perspective is far from being a problem. On the contrary, it is a real good thing: exchanges between them can only be fruitful. For those, among dialectologists and phonologists, who are used to making incursions into their respective fields, this thematic session is an additional occasion for them for exchanging and confronting points of view.

2) variation in time. Exchanges between specialists in diachrony and phonologists mainly concerned with synchrony are well established and the  need for such exchanges is something broadly accepted. This thematic session is an extra occasion for them to fully take advantage of their complementarity.

Some trails/questions :

dialectology does not restrict to Romance dialectology, i.e. all linguistic areas are welcome.

-how can the tools proposed by a given phonological theory allow a better comprehension of certain dialectal data?

-how can dialectal data shed light on a theoretical proposal?

-how can geographical variation shed light on variation in time (and reciprocally)?

Abstract submission and review

Abstracts can be written in either French or English. Abstracts should not exceed two pages in length (A4 pages, TimesNewRoman or similar, 12 point), including all examples, figures and references. PDF abstracts should be submitted on the RFP2016 site at the following address : http://rfp2016.sciencesconf.org.

All abstracts will undergo anonymous review by at least two referees.



Oral presentations will be scheduled for 35-minute time slots (25 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion).


Important dates

Deadline for submission: 14 March 2016

Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2016

Conference: 30 June to 2 July 2016