Category Archives: Calls for papers

APAP 2019 Call for Papers

Call Deadline: 28-Feb-2019

Meeting Description:

Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics (APAP 2019)
21-23 June, 2019
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

APAP is an international biennial conference organized by two Polish universities:

Maria Curie-Sk?odowska University, Lublin, (UMCS)
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, (KUL)

The conference intends to provide a forum for sharing theoretical, empirical and pedagogical findings on all aspects of phonology and phonetics, with particular attention paid to how the two domains of research relate to each other. Each conference has a leading theme which guarantees a focused debate and, as an outcome, a monographic publication of articles.

Leading theme: “Focus on phonotactics: phonology, phonetics, acquisition”

The following scholars have kindly agreed to deliver plenary talks:

Katarzyna Dziubalska-Ko?aczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozna?)

Marketa Ziková (Masaryk University, Brno)

Marzena Zygis (Zentrum fur Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin)

For further information on APAP (registration, fees, accomodation) email us at the following address: and our web page

Conference chair: Karolina Drabikowska

Call for Papers:

We invite proposals for papers concerning the main theme as well as other phonetic and phonological issues.

Leading theme: “Focus on phonotactics: phonology, phonetics, acquisition”

Papers are given 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Abstracts of 250-400 words should be emailed to the organizers at the following address:

Important Deadlines:

Abstract submission: February 28, 2019
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2019
Registration and payment of conference fee: April 30, 2019


Organizing Committee:

Eugeniusz Cyran

Jolanta Szpyra-Koz?owska
Agnieszka Bry?a-Cruz

Krzysztof Jasku?a
S?awomir Zdziebko

Marek Radomsk

16th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP) University of Verona 16–18 January 2019.

Dear colleagues,

The 16th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP) will be held at the University of Verona on the 16–18 January 2019.

The Call for Papers is copied below. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 16 September 2018.

We hope very much that you will join us in Verona.

Birgit Alber


16th Old World Conference on Phonology OCP16 – Call for papers

The 16th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP16) will take place at the University of Verona, Italy, 16-18 January 2019.

Invited speakers:

– Will Bennett (University of Calgary)

– Ulrike Domahs (University of Marburg)

– Martin Krämer (UiT, Tromsø)

We welcome submissions on any topic in phonology. We invite abstracts for talks (20 minutes, followed 10 minutes of discussion) or posters. Each individual may submit a maximum of one abstract as first author (or sole author), and a maximum of two abstracts in total. Abstracts will be (blindly) peer-reviewed by an international panel of reviewers.

Abstract guidelines:

  • Maximum 2 pages of A4 paper, including references, examples, tables, and figures.
  • 12 pt Times New Roman font, or similar.
  • 2.54 cm (one inch) margins on all sides.
  • Anonymous
  • PDF format

Abstracts not following these guidelines will be rejected without review.

Abstract submission, reviewing, and notification of acceptance will be handled using EasyChair link:

The deadline for abstract submission is 16 September 2018 

Notification of acceptance will be late October/early November

Conference webpage

Conference e-mail:

Organizing committee

Birgit Alber (University of Verona)
Joachim Kokkelmans (University of Verona)
Barbara Vogt (University of Trieste)

Advisor to the organisers

Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)

AMP 2018 second call

Copied below is the second call for papers for AMP 2018, to take place October 5-7 in San Diego. Abstracts are due June 1!

Also, please note the possibility of a workshop on OTWorkplace uses & tools. If you’re curious, please fill out this form by the abstract deadline.


— AMP 2018 organizers

Second Call for Papers

Annual Meeting on Phonology 2018

We are seeking high-quality unpublished research in all areas of theoretical, experimental, and computational phonology for presentation at the 2018 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2018), to take place October 5-7, 2018 and hosted by the Linguistics Department at the University of California, San Diego. We welcome submissions that address issues in the phonologies of spoken and/or signed languages. This is the sixth installment of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, following the 2013 inaugural meeting at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and subsequent meetings hosted by MIT, UBC/SFU, USC, and NYU.

This year’s conference features a workshop entitled “Methods in phonological data collection and analysis of underdocumented languages,” with associated tutorials and invited speakers. We are particularly interested in high-quality research submissions that address the workshop theme. [Update: this workshop is made possible by funding from the National Science Foundation (BCS-1753985).]

Submission Guidelines

We invite abstracts for either oral presentation (20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion) or poster presentation. Abstracts must be anonymous, so please be sure to eliminate any identifying information and metadata from the document. Length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. Font size should be 12-point, with margins of at least one inch (2.54cm) left on all sides. Abstracts must be submitted in .pdf file format.

Submissions are limited to three per author, with at most one submission being single-authored.

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, June 1, 11:59pm PDT (23:59 GMT-7).

Abstract submission link:

Invited Speakers

Methods workshop tutorials

  • Underdocumented language data corpus construction
    (Gabriela Caballero, UC San Diego)
  • Electroglottography for voice analysis
    (Marc Garellek, UC San Diego)
  • Investigating underdocumented tone systems
    (Bert Remijsen, University of Edinburgh)

SPOT tutorial

SPOT ( is a web application which performs automatic candidate generation and constraint evaluation over prosodic parses of sentences. It is designed for use in conjunction with OTWorkplace (, a tool for manipulating OT tableaux, determining rankings, and calculating factorial typologies.

In association with the SPOT tutorial, we are hoping to gather both experienced and novice OTWorkplace users to share OTWorkplace uses and tools. If you are interested in attending an OTWorkplace workshop at AMP 2018, please fill out the form at by the abstract deadline.


All questions about the conference should be emailed to


All presentations (in both the general and workshop sessions) are eligible for publication in the open-access on-line conference proceedings hosted by the Linguistic Society of America. Oral presentations will appear in the main Proceedings and poster presentations will appear in the Supplemental Proceedings.


Financial support for AMP 2018 is provided by the UC San Diego Division of Social Sciences, and support for the Methods in phonological data collection and analysis of underdocumented languages workshop is provided by the National Science Foundation (BCS-1753985).

16th Old World Conference on Phonology OCP16 – Call for papers

The 16th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP16) will take place at the University of Verona, Italy, 16-18 January 2019.

Invited speakers:

– Will Bennett (University of Calgary)

– Ulrike Domahs (University of Marburg)

– Martin Krämer (UiT, Tromsø)

We welcome submissions on any topic in phonology. We invite abstracts for talks (20 minutes, followed 10 minutes of discussion) or posters. Each individual may submit a maximum of one abstract as first author (or sole author), and a maximum of two abstracts in total. Abstracts will be (blindly) peer-reviewed by an international panel of reviewers.

Abstract guidelines:

  • Maximum 2 pages of A4 paper, including references, examples, tables, and figures.
  • 12 pt Times New Roman font, or similar.
  • 2.54 cm (one inch) margins on all sides.
  • Anonymous
  • PDF format

Abstracts not following these guidelines will be rejected without review.

Abstract submission, reviewing, and notification of acceptance will be handled using EasyChair link:

The deadline for abstract submission is 16 September 2018

Notification of acceptance will be late October/early November

Conference webpage

Conference e-mail:

Organizing committee

Birgit Alber (University of Verona)
Joachim Kokkelmans (University of Verona)
Barbara Vogt (University of Trieste)

Advisor to the organisers

Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)

Call for Papers: NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology

We are very pleased to announce the 5th NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology (NINJAL ICPP 2018), to be held at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) on October 26-28, 2018. This three-day conference features the following two main topics:

?????(a)?sokuon, or geminate consonants??
?????(b)?accent, tone, and intonation

The following speakers have been invited to give talks on the topics.

Laura Downing (University of Gothenburg)

Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Yukari Hirata (Colgate University)

Junko Ito (UC Santa Cruz)

Sun-Ah Jun (UCLA)

Bob Ladd (University of Edinburgh)

Aditi Lahiri (University of Oxford)

Armin Mester (UC Santa Cruz)

Rachid Ridouane (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Jaehyun Son (Duksung Women’s University)

We invite abstracts for poster presentations related to at least one of the two main topics. If it is related, any presentation is welcome, even if it is not concerned with Japanese. Abstracts on the interface between lexical accent/tone and intonation will be particularly welcome.

Rules for Abstract Submission:

–       The official language of the conference is English.

–       A single individual may submit only one abstract for which s/he is the sole or ?rst author.

–       Abstracts should be on A4 (or letter) size paper, typed on one side of the page only.

–       Leave margins of 2.5cm (1 inch) on all four sides of the page. Type in 12-point font.

–       Do not put your name or affiliation on your abstract. Abstracts must not exceed 1 page, inclusive of figures, tables, and references.

–       Please save your abstract both as a Word file [using the file name “ICPP2018_Your surname.docx” or “ICPP2018_Your surname.doc”] and as apdf file [using the file name “ICPP2018_Your surname.pdf”].

–       To submit your abstract, please send an e-mail message with both files attached Please write “ICPP abstract” in the subject line of your e-mail message.

–       The submission deadline is June 30, 2018. Notification of acceptance will be sent in July 2018.

Oral presentations will be by invitation only. We will not be accepting abstracts for oral presentations.

Financial Support:

For graduate students who are the sole or first author of a presentation, the organizers anticipate being able to cover transportation expenses within Japan and lodging expenses, at least in part, but please understand that all public institutions in Japan are facing budget reductions.

For more information, see our website:

Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Workshop: Phonological variation ?and its interfaces 

Workshop Phonological variation ?and its interfaces


Within the research project “Phonetics-phonology-morphology interface phenomena from the perspective of linguistic variation” (FFI2016-76245-C3-3-P), we are organizing a two-day workshop about phonological variation and its interfaces, which will be held at the University of Barcelona the 22 and 23 of November 2018. We specifically seek proposals dealing with phonological variation at the interface with phonetics and morphology, from any empirical and theoretical perspective. Contributions might answer, although not exclusively, to some of the following broad questions:?

  • Is there a factual interface between phonology and phonetics, and between phonology and morphology? Or are these independent components of the grammar? Which are the evidences for one approach or the other?
  • How do these three components interact? Are their interactions unidirectional or rather bidirectional?
  • How does phonological variation shed light on the interfaces phonology-phonetics / phonology-morphology?
  • To which extent morphological requirements constraint phonology and induce phonological variation?
  • Can prosodic requirements have an impact on morphology? What are the limits of this impact?

Invited speakers

Birgit Alber (Università di Verona)
Andries ?Coetzee (University of Michigan)

Call for papers

The workshop will feature talks (20-25 minutes, followed by 10-5 minutes for questions). Abstracts should be submitted through EasyChair (please follow this link to submit your abstract) by June, 1, 2018. All abstracts will be reviewed by 3 anonymous reviewers.

Abstract guidelines

Maximum 1 page of A4 paper, and an extra page for references, examples, tables, and figures.
12 pt Times New Roman font, or similar.
One-inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides.
Anonymous (please do not include author details).
PDF format.

Abstracts not following these guidelines will be rejected. Abstract submission, reviewing, and notification of acceptance will be handled using EasyChair.

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: June, 1, 2018
Notification of acceptance: July, 15, 2018
Program announcement: September, 15, 2018
Workshop days: November, 22-23, 2018 (University of Barcelona)

Registration and fees

Registration will be open from the end of September until November, 1, 2018.
More details will be posted closer to that time, but we anticipate that registration fees will be around €30 for waged attendees and €20 for student/unwaged attendees.
Organizing committee
Clàudia Pons-Moll, Universitat de Barcelona
Maria-Rosa Lloret, Universitat de Barcelona
?Josefina Carrera-Sabaté, Universitat de Barcelona
Jesús Jiménez, Universitat de València
Violeta Martínez-Paricio, Universitat de València
?Jesús Bach, Universitat de Barcelona
Maria Cabrera-Callís, Universitat de Barcelona
?Paula Cruselles, Universitat de València?

Scientific committee

Birgit Alber, Outi Bat-El, Ryan Bennett, Ricardo Bermúdez Otero, Eulàlia Bonet, Teresa Cabré, Stefano Canalis, Andries Coetzee, Stuart Davis, Laura Downing, Sara Finley, Juana Gil, Silke Hamann, Patrick Honeybone, José Ignacio Hualde, Pavel Iosad, Jesus Jimenez, Peter Jurgec, Yuni Kim, Martin Krämer, Nancy C. Kula, Paul de Lacy, Joaquim  Llisterri, Maria-Rosa Lloret, Violeta Martínez-Paricio, Joan Mascaró, Andrew Nevins, Heather  Newell, Carlos Eduardo Piñeros, Clàudia Pons Moll, Markus Pöchtrager, Pilar Prieto, Anthi Revithiadou, Tobias Scheer, Donca Steriade, Peter Szigetvari, Nina Topintzi, Miklós Törkenczy, Francesc Torres-Tamarit, Marc van Oostendorp, Marina Vigário, Sophie Wauquier, Eva Zimmerman

ETAP4 deadline May 14th

Submission deadline: May 14, 2018, 11:59 PM AoE (anywhere on earth).

Link to Call for Papers and Submission Website

The 4th Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP4)
conference will be held from October 11-13, 2018, at the University of
Massachusetts Amherst in Amherst, Massachusetts. This conference
focuses on questions about the production, interpretation, and
characterization of speech prosody, bringing together researchers in
linguistics, psychology, and computer science.

The theme of ETAP4 is “Sociolectal and dialectal variability in
prosody.” As in many language fields, studies of prosody have focused
on majority languages and dialects and on speakers who hold power in
social structures. The goal of ETAP4 is to help diversify prosody
research in terms of the languages and dialects being investigated, as
well as the social structures that influence prosodic variation. The
conference will bring together prosody researchers and researchers
exploring the role of sociological variation in prosody, with a focus
on understudied dialects and endangered languages, and individual
differences based on gender and sexuality. Invited speakers will (i)
raise what questions and areas they think would benefit from prosodic
research, (ii) teach prosody researchers what they need to know to do
research in these areas, and (iii) share insights from their
experience engaging with the public around issues of understudied and
endangered languages, linguistic bias, and intersectionality in

A satellite workshop on African-American English prosody will be held
on October 10, 2018 to bring together participants to contribute
common data sets and discuss the development of shared data resources
and methodological considerations such as challenges in prosodic
transcription. For updates on this workshop, subscribe to the e-mail
list here:

We invite submission of abstracts describing work related to the
conference theme as well as topics in prosody more generally from
diverse approaches, including fieldwork, experiments, computational
modeling, theoretical analyses, etc. These topics include:

– Phonology and phonetics of prosody
– Cognitive processing and modelling of prosody
– Tone and intonation
– Acquisition of prosody
– Interfaces with syntax, semantics, pragmatics
– Prosody in natural language processing

In addition to talks from invited speakers, there will be additional
talks, and two poster sessions.

Abstracts for talks and posters must be submitted in a pdf format.
Your abstract must include the submission’s title at the top, and must
not include authors’ names and affiliations, or any identifying
information (i.e., “In Liberman & Pierrehumbert (1984), we
showed…“). Abstracts should be submitted in letter format (8.5″ x
11″ – not A4), with 1-inch margins on all sides, and in Arial 11 point
font. The abstract itself (text) may be no longer than one page; a
second page containing additional figures, tables, other graphics
and/or references may be included.

To get updates on the conference, subscribe to the e-mail list here:

Call for Papers: Society for Computation in Linguistics

The Society for Computation in Linguistics  invites submissions to its second meeting, SCiL 2019, which will be co-located with LSA 2019 in New York City, January 3-6. The invited speakers, Gaja Jarosz (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Mark Johnson (Macquarie University) will present talks on the theme “Learning Hidden Linguistic Structure”.

We seek high-quality research on computational and mathematical approaches in any area of linguistics. There will be two submission tracks: papers and abstracts. Accepted papers and abstracts will be presented (either orally or as posters) at the SCiL 2019 meeting. Papers will be published prior to the conference in the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Anthology. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to submit extended abstracts prior to the conference. Both papers and extended abstracts will be published online in the open-access SCiL proceedings.

Submissions are limited to one first-authored paper or abstract per author; there is no limit on the number of non-first authored submissions per author. Do not submit an abstract to both SCiL and the LSA – these meetings are being held jointly, and your submission will be returned without review.

We are considering having a European site in addition to the meeting in New York City. The two sites would meet together via video conferencing for some portion of the meetings, and the Proceedings would be published together. Paris has been suggested as a tentative site. We are currently trying to gauge interest and get feedback on this possibility. If you are interested or have feedback, please fill out this Google Form by June 1:

Important Dates

  • Deadline for feedback on European second site (see above): June 1, 2018
  • Submission Deadline (papers and abstracts): August 1, 2018
  • Notification of Acceptance: mid-September, 2018
  • Camera Ready Papers and Abstracts Due: November 1, 2018
  • Conference: January 3-6, 2019


Papers (8pp) and abstracts (2pp) are due August 1 2018 by 11:59pm pacific time.  Papers and abstracts must be anonymous and prepared in PDF format according to the following guidelines.


Paper submissions must describe original, completed, and unpublished work. They are limited to 8 content pages (plus unlimited pages for references) and should follow the two-column ACL format. Style templates are available from the NAACL website:

Accepted papers will be published in the ACL Anthology prior to the conference, and will be presented either as oral or poster presentations at SCiL 2019. Abstracts and papers will also be published online in the open-access SCiL proceedings.


Abstract submissions must describe original and completed work. To facilitate exchange of research ideas across disciplines, this track will consider work that has been previously presented (and potentially published) at venues with distinct scope and target audiences from SCiL. Submissions describing previously presented/published work must indicate so at submission time.

Abstract length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. The abstract should follow the two-column ACL format OR the following guidelines. Font should be 12-point Times or Times New Roman throughout, and the document should be single-spaced, left justified, with margins of exactly one inch on all sides. Title and section headings (if used) should be bold.

Accepted abstracts will be presented at SCiL 2019 as posters or oral presentations. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to extend abstracts up to 4 pages (extended abstracts). The extended abstracts should follow the two-column ACL format. Abstracts and extended abstracts will be published before the conference in the forthcoming open-access SCiL Proceedings.


To submit your paper or abstract, please proceed to the link below. If you do not already have an EasyChair account, you will need to set one up :

As stated above, recall that submissions are limited to one first-authored paper or abstract per author; there is no limit on the number of non-first authored submissions per author. Do not submit an abstract to both SCiL and LSA – these meetings are being held jointly, and your submission will be returned without review.



PhonFest: Registration open, submission deadline extended to April 15

Registration is now open for PhonFest 2018, a symposium on phonetic and phonological documentation.

“Mixing it up: from the lab to the field and back again.”
May 29 – June 2, 2018 ~ Indiana University, Bloomington

Description: While language science is moving in an ever more experimental direction, and tightly controlled experiments in lab settings can generate invaluable information about human language, such studies are not always possible, realistic, or productive in the context of actual language usage. Humans are members of communities, and linguists often work in the field, in communities. Speakers are not just passive consultants, but are members of a language community, agents who ‘do’ the language. The data generated by fieldwork, which is also invaluable, presents its own challenges—including technological challenges, like how to organize and annotate records in order to render them maximally accessible and useful. PhonFest is designed to create a space for dialogue: How can practices from the lab inform our work in the field, and vice versa? How can we pull the best elements from both worlds together to strengthen the work we do? Expert speakers from the US and abroad will address these topics.

Invited speakers:
Cynthia Clopper, The Ohio State University
Christian DiCanio, University at Buffalo
Josef Fruehwald, University of Edinburgh
Marija Tabain, La Trobe University

Tues. May 29 – Fri. June 1: Invited speakers present short courses.
Sat. June 2: Conference for Fest participants to present their own work.
Mon. June 4-Thurs. June 7: Incubator week! Designated work time (in a supportive environment) to help propel your work from where it’s at to the next stage.

Learn more at rates range from $45 for IU students to $150 for outside professionals. 
Abstracts for poster presentations are invited in the following areas: 
·      documentary (acoustic, articulatory, perception, etc.) work on under-resourced languages
·      descriptive and/or sociophonetic analyses of under-resourced languages, under-served populations
·      typologically unusual sounds, contrasts, patterns
·      methodological papers; technical characterizations of novel methodologies
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 15, 2018. 

Call for Papers: Annual Meeting on Phonology 2018

Call for Papers

Annual Meeting on Phonology 2018

We are seeking high-quality unpublished research in all areas of theoretical, experimental, and computational phonology for presentation at the 2018 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2018), to take place October 5-7, 2018 and hosted by the Linguistics Department at the University of California, San Diego. We welcome submissions that address issues in the phonologies of spoken and/or signed languages. This is the sixth installment of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, following the 2013 inaugural meeting at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and subsequent meetings hosted by MIT, UBC/SFU, USC, and NYU.

This year’s conference features a workshop entitled “Methods in phonological data collection and analysis of underdocumented languages,” with associated tutorials and invited speakers. We are particularly interested in high-quality research submissions that address the workshop theme.

Submission Guidelines

We invite abstracts for either oral presentation (20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion) or poster presentation. Abstracts must be anonymous, so please be sure to eliminate any identifying information and metadata from the document. Length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. Font size should be 12-point, with margins of at least one inch (2.54cm) left on all sides. Abstracts must be submitted in .pdf file format.

Submissions are limited to three per author, with at most one submission being single-authored.

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, June 1, 11:59pm PDT (23:59 GMT-7).

Abstract submission link:

Invited Speakers

Methods workshop tutorials

  • Underdocumented language data corpus construction
    (Gabriela Caballero, UC San Diego)
  • Electroglottography for voice analysis
    (Marc Garellek, UC San Diego)
  • Investigating underdocumented tone systems
    (Bert Remijsen, University of Edinburgh)

SPOT tutorial

SPOT ( is a web application which performs automatic candidate generation and constraint evaluation over prosodic parses of sentences. It is designed for use in conjunction with OTWorkplace (, a tool for manipulating OT tableaux, determining rankings, and calculating factorial typologies.

In association with the SPOT tutorial, we are hoping to gather both experienced and novice OTWorkplace users to share OTWorkplace uses and tools. If you are interested in attending an OTWorkplace workshop at AMP 2018, please fill out the form at by the abstract deadline.


All questions about the conference should be emailed to


All presentations (in both the general and workshop sessions) are eligible for publication in the open-access on-line conference proceedings hosted by the Linguistic Society of America. Oral presentations will appear in the main Proceedings and poster presentations will appear in the Supplemental Proceedings.


Financial support for AMP 2018 is provided by the UC San Diego Division of Social Sciences. (Additional support from the National Science Foundation is pending for the Methods in phonological data collection and analysis of underdocumented languages workshop.)