Category Archives: Calls for papers

Call for Papers – Annual Meeting on Phonology 2017

from Maria Gouskova
direct link:

Deadline for abstract submission: Monday, April 24, 2017, 11:59pm

We are seeking high-quality unpublished research in all areas of theoretical, experimental and computational phonology for presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2017). The conference will take place September 15-17, 2017 on the campus of New York University. This is the fifth installment of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, following the 2013 inaugural meeting at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and subsequent meetings hosted by MIT, UBC/SFU and USC.

This year’s conference will be jointly hosted by the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and features an integrated, special session “Bridging the gap between phonological theory and speech disorders”. We are additionally seeking high-quality research that lies at the intersection between the study of speech disorders and linguistics, e.g. studies of disordered phonology.

We invite abstracts for either oral presentation (20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion) or poster presentation. All presentations (in both the general and special sessions) are eligible for publication in the open-access on-line conference proceedings hosted by the Linguistic Society of America. Oral presentations will appear in the main Proceedings and poster presentations will appear in the Supplemental Proceedings.

Abstracts must be anonymous, please be sure to eliminate any identifying metadata from the document. Length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. Font should be 12-point, with margins of at least one inch left on all sides. Abstracts must be submitted in .pdf file format through the on-line EasyChair system.

Submissions are limited to two per author, with at most one submission being single-authored.

The deadline for abstract submission is Monday, April 24, 2017, 11:59pm.

Abstract submission:

AMP 2017 contact email:

Call for papers: Réseau français de phonologie

The 2017 edition and the 15th meeting of the French Phonology Network (Réseau français de phonologie) will take place at the University of Grenoble, France, from the 5th to the 7th of July. The deadline is the 3rd of March.

The keynote speakers will be:

Sabrina Bendjaballah, LLING & Univ. Nantes
Monik Charette, SOAS London
John Harris, UCL London
Rachid Ridouane, LPP & Univ. Paris 3

Call for papers for a special collection in Linguistics Vanguard on “The Role of Predictability in Shaping Human Language Sound Patterns”

Research integrating methods and insights from phonetics, phonology, and psycholinguistics has revealed a substantial amount of evidence for two broad trends in human language sound patterns, both related to a probabilistic notion of predictability. There is evidence now that both phonetic and phonological patterns can be influenced by various measures of local and global predictability including those defined within the phonology (e.g., phonotactic predictability) as well as the predictability of the higher level linguistic units that phonological patterns signify (i.e., message predictability). On the side of message predictability, a key observation is that there appear to be tradeoffs between the predictability of a message and the robustness with which it is articulated, resulting in phonetic variation that could over longer timescales leave us with phonologies that also reflect average message predictability, or “informativity” (e.g., Cohen Priva, 2015). These two broad trends raise a number of questions, which are the focus of this
special collection:
1. What are the consequences of probabilistic predictability for models of phonological grammar, the lexicon and phonological typology?
2. Under what conditions does variation in the predictability of a message influence its phonological and phonetic form?
3. Does message predictability interact with other phonological and phonetic principles, including constraints on speech articulation, speech perception, and prosody?
4. What are the appropriate formal tools for quantifying message predictability and phonological predictability in natural language?
5. Does message predictability impact the expression of social meaning through phonetic variation?
The target length of each article is 3000-4000 words, which is the journal’s general policy. We are therefore looking for short, concise reports. Accordingly, we expect short turn-around from submission to publication. The proposed timeline is:
Submission deadline: April 30th, 2017
Reviews returned: June 30th, 2017
Decision letters: August 1st, 2017
Revisions: September 30th, 2017
Papers will appear online as they are finalized. We hope to have all papers published by the end of 2017.
Linguistics Vanguard is an online, multimodal journal published by De Gruyter Mouton. Because the journal is only published online, special collections serve as “virtual special issues” and are linked by shared keywords. Details about the journal can be found at Linguistics Vanguard strives for a very quick turn-around time from submission to publication.
Inclusion of multimodal content designed to integrate interactive content (including, but not limited to audio and video, images, maps, software code, raw data, hyperlinks to external databases and any other media enhancing the traditional written word) is particularly encouraged. Special collections contributors should follow general submission guidelines for the journal (
Authors will have free access to the entire special collection. There are no publication costs. All authors may post a pdf on their personal website and/or institutional repository a year after publication. In addition, the introduction, which contains a summary of each article, will be fully freely accessible.
Any questions can be addressed to the special collection editors: Shigeto Kawahara ( and Jason A. Shaw (

Launch: Papers in Historical Phonology

We are delighted to announce the launch of ‘Papers in Historical Phonology’ (PiHPh). PiHPh aims to provide a platform for all work which connects the sound systems of languages with the past in any way, combining insights from theoretical phonology, phonetics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, philology, language acquisition, and, no doubt, other areas. PiHPh is online only, open access, completely free to publish in, and committed to a fast turn around of papers.

PiHPh’s website is here:

PiHPh has pre-publication scrutiny by the editorial and/or advisory board and post-publication review. We therefore encourage all readers to comment on papers, and authors to respond to comments.

An explanation of the review and publication process is here:

PIHPh is launching with 15 papers which have been submitted by authors who have heard of the project through a range of means, including the Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology. It also has a preface which sets out PiHPh’s aims. The current volume is available here:

PiHPh operates on a rolling publication basis – each year has one volume and each paper is published in the current year’s volume as soon as it is cleared for publication. We therefore welcome submissions, and comments, at any time.

PiHPh has an editorial team based at Edinburgh and an advisory board featuring expertise from around the world:


Julian Bradfield, University of Edinburgh
Josef Fruehwald, University of Edinburgh
Patrick Honeybone, University of Edinburgh
Pavel Iosad, University of Edinburgh
Benjamin Molineaux, University of Edinburgh
Michael Ramsammy, University of Edinburgh

Advisory Board:

Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero, University of Manchester
David Bowie, University of Alaska–Anchorage
András Cser, Pázmány Péter Catholic University
B. Elan Dresher, University of Toronto
D. Eric Holt, University of South Carolina
José Ignacio Hualde, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Larry Hyman, University of California, Berkeley
James Kirby, University of Edinburgh
Björn Köhnlein, Ohio State University
Martin Joachim Kümmel, University of Jena
Aditi Lahiri, University of Oxford
Roger Lass, University of Cape Town & University of Edinburgh
Laurel Mackenzie, New York University
Robert Mailhammer, University of Western Sydney
Donka Minkova, University of California, Los Angeles
Betty S. Phillips, Indiana State University
Martha Ratliff, Wayne State University
Nikolaus Ritt, University of Vienna
Joseph C. Salmons, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Tobias Scheer, University of Nice
Ranjan Sen, University of Sheffield
Meredith Tamminga, University of Pennsylvania
Danielle Turton, Newcastle University
Andrew Wedel, University of Arizona
Alan C. L. Yu, University of Chicago

Call for papers, thematic day: French schwa: Old stories, new ideas?

This year, the annual Journées FLORAL-PFC in Paris (17th-19th November) opens with a thematic day on schwa (see

 Ever since 2002, the international research programme PFC (Phonologie du français contemporain), which brings together linguists working on French corpus phonology, has been organising an annual conference in Paris. The event has become known for its strong commitment to moving the field forward in a welcoming, but scientifically critical environment, and the conference thus creates a venue for new as well as experienced researchers who want to discuss ongoing research ­– be it on little known or well-known phenomena in, or relating to, French phonology.

At this year’s conference (17th-19th November), the first day will be fully devoted to schwa, which, next to liaison, constitutes one of the most widely discussed phenomena in French phonology. Being defined as a phonetically variable vowel (often mid front rounded) that alternates with zero, schwa’s many-faceted nature presents aspects best explained with reference to phonetics, morphology, lexicon, and orthography. In addition, its alternations, as well as its temporal and spectral characteristics, have proven subject to regional, social, stylistic, situational and medial variation. Nevertheless, whereas the study of large spoken corpora in the last decades has led to a complete revision of the analysis of French liaison, finely documenting its complex variation, an overall, data-driven debate on how to formally account for the rich complexity of French schwa still constitutes a lacuna in the literature.

The thematic day aims at filling some of the gaps in our knowledge about schwa, and we invite abstracts for 20-minute paper presentations, followed by 10-minute discussions, that address one or several of the above issues. Depending on the number of received abstracts, we may be able to consider other presentation formats.

A one-page abstract, including title and references, can be sent to Helene N. Andreassen ( Elissa Pustka ( Friday 30th September. Note that we welcome presentations in English and French.

Please do not hesitate to diffuse the invitation to other linguists who might be interested in participating.

This year, the conference is held at Cité universitaire internationale, Maison de Norvège, on 17th-19th November. It is organised in collaboration with ESLO (Enquête Socio-Linguistique à Orléans), with whom PFC entered a cooperation in 2014. Since then, the official name of the annual conference and the research programme is FLORAL-PFC (Français Langue ORAle et Linguistique).

For more information about the research programme and the conference, cf.

Welcome to Paris!

Call for Papers: Workshop on “Prosody in syntactic encoding” (DGfS 2017)

Workshop on “Prosody in syntactic encoding” (DGfS 2017)

Submission deadline: August 15, 2016

Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Sprachwissenschaft
AG 6: Prosody in syntactic encoding
Saarbruecken, Germany
March 8-10, 2017

Call for Abstracts

Workshop description:

Theories of language production and theories of grammar agree in that they grant syntax precedence over prosody in sentence construction. That is, prominent models of language production consider prosody to be built on the basis of syntactic pre-processing. Similarly, in grammatical theory, the purpose of the phonological component is primarily in interpreting or expressing what the syntax has already constructed. Correspondingly, syntactic influences on prosodic structure are expectable and well documented. However, prosody does not perfectly mirror syntactic structure, and mismatches between prosodic domains and syntactic constituents are commonplace.

This raises the question as to what extent prosody is generated independently from syntax. What is more, the reverse influence is also well attested: Prosodic requirements may constrain syntax to such an extent that the default, “unmarked” word order is not acceptable and another, ”marked” word order is the only viable option. Prosody may even determine the choice of a particular syntactic construction by suppressing syntactic alternatives that are prosodically less favorable. This kind of evidence for mutual influence of syntax and prosody appears to be problematic for strictly modular, unidirectional models of both grammar and language processing.

This workshop focuses on the interplay between syntax and prosody in linguistic encoding, specifically examining the extent to which prosody affects syntax. In light of the assumption that language production (and perception) involves recourse to grammatical knowledge, we especially ask how the grammar has to be conceptualized to be in a position to explain prosodic/phonological influences on sentence structure.

Invited speaker
Arto Anttila (Stanford)

Call deadline: August 15, 2016

We invite abstracts for 30 minute talks (20 min. presentations + 10 min.
discussion) and 60 minute talks (45 min. presentations + 15 min.
Abstracts should be limited to 300-400 words, submitted in PDF format, not
exceeding one page (A4), font size 12pt.

EasyAbs Submission:

– Gerrit Kentner (Uni Frankfurt)
– Joost Kremers (Uni Goettingen)

Call GDRI Phonological Theory Agora 2016 in Tours (France)

Following the meetings held in Lublin (June 2015) and Nijmegen (December 2015), the Phonological Theory Agora network invites submissions for its next meeting to be organized in Tours, France, on October 14th-15th.

The topic of the Tours meeting is “Phonology and the lexicon”. This year there will be three sessions.

Day 1: “Phonology and the lexicon”

1) Morning : Tutorial “Phonology and the lexicon” 

Delivered by Ricardo Bermúdez Otero (Manchester) and Donca Steriade (MIT)

2) Afternoon : “Make a claim and defend it”

PTA aims at promoting discussion and offers 10-minute slots in which each speaker makes a claim related to the topic of the meeting.

We invite one-page submissions for claim-making standups. Each talk is followed by a (relatively) long discussion (20 min).

3/ Day 2: Dataset workshop 

On day 2 there will be a workshop whose goal is to promote discussion and theory-oriented debate in an original way. The idea is to define a data set that everybody works on to show how it could be analyzed in different theories. We invite one-page abstracts proposing a solution this dataset, which will be announced on the PTA website (pta.cnrs.frby the end of April 2016

You are invited to send your abstract for the “Make a claim and defend it” session and / or the “Data set workshop”

Where to :

Deadline for submision : June, 25th 2016
Notification : July, 10th 2016
Final program : End of July

The organization of the event will be coordinated by Nicola Lampitelli, LLL, University of Tours.

If you need more information please contact: Nicola Lampitelli (

Call for papers in Computational Phonology

From Jeff Heinz (


Phonology (Cambridge University Press)

Thematic issue: ‘Computational phonology’

Projected to appear as one of the first issues of Phonology 34 (2017)

Computation continues to play a central role in generative grammar. Within phonology, the kinds of computations and representations employed in grammars is an ever-present issue. This thematic issue on computational phonology capitalises on the recent surge of interest in computational phonology, broadly construed. Submissions are invited which:

– Characterise and/or otherwise examine the computational nature of phonological systems;

– Provide algorithms and/or models which successfully learn aspects of phonology;

– Address computational issues at the interfaces of phonology and other components of grammar such as phonetics and morphology.

Papers are welcome from any theoretical perspective, including – but not limited to – constraint-based grammars, derivational grammars, finite-state grammars, statistical grammars, non-statistical grammars and grammars utilising string-based, feature-based or other structured representations of words or other phonological domains.

This thematic issue, which will be edited by Jeffrey Heinz (University of Delaware) and William J. Idsardi (University of Maryland), is open to all potential contributors, and is projected to appear as one of the first issues of Phonology 34 (2017).

The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2016.

General information on the submission of manuscripts can be found in previous issues of the journal, or on the Phonology website (

For this issue, submissions should be sent in PDF format to and An abstract (no longer than 150 words) should be included.

Preference will be given to papers which will occupy no more than 20 printed pages in the journal (around 8000 words).

Submissions will be read by at least two reviewers and by the editors of the thematic issue.