Category Archives: Conference calls and programs

Special session on South Asian Languages – Spring 2018 ASA

There will be a special session on South Asian Languages at the Spring 2018 Acoustical Society of America meeting (May 7-11, 2018; Minneapolis, MN). The abstract deadline is Monday, 20 November 2017, and the call for abstracts is at (ASA abstracts are very brief, just 200 words.) The session description:
“South Asian languages (SAL) test the limits of current phonetic theory due to their complex array of features, pervasive multilingualism, and sparse descriptions. We solicit research in all SAL areas, including but not limited to prosody, phonation type, tone, & their interactions; breathy voiced segments; degrees of retroflexion & its perception.”

The format is yet to be determined, but is likely to include several talks and a poster session. We will encourage participants to publish their work in POMA (the Proceedings) or elsewhere.
If you or any of your students are working on relevant topics, please do submit absracts.
And—please help us spread the word by forwarding widely. Don’t hesitate to be in touch with any questions.
Best wishes,
Kelly Berkson, Indiana University (
Indranil Dutta, The English and Foreign Languages University
Christina Esposito, Macalester College
Sameer ud Dowla Khan, Reed College

Future Annual Meetings on Phonology

The date for the next AMP has been set for October 3-5 2018. It will be held at UC San Diego: contact Eric Bakovic or Sharon Rose for more information. AMP 2019 will be held at Stony Brook University (contact Michael Becker). There have also been expressions of interest by UCSC and the University of Toronto for subsequent AMPs.

Phonology at GLOW 41

From Peter Szigetvari

Dear Colleagues,

As you may know, GLOW41 will be held in Budapest next spring (11-13 April 2018).  The GLOW board is keen on having more phonology on the menu of the main colloquium.  Abstract submission is open until 15 November at  More details at

There will be a one-day workshop on “Long-distance segmental phenomena” the day before the main colloquium (10 April 2018).  We have invited Laura Downing and Andrew Nevins.  We also expect your abstracts on nonlocal phenomena at until 15 November.  More details at

The Phonological Theory Agora will have its regular biannual workshop the day after the main colloquium (14 April 2018) on the necessity of formalization in phonology.  Details of this event will be linked to

There are three further one-day workshops organized before and after GLOW on “Predication in relation to propositions and properties” ( ), “The grammar and pragmatics of interrogatives and their (special) uses” (, and “Sign Language Syntax and Linguistic Theory” ( ).

Hoping to see you around,
Peter Szigetvari

Elements [First call]

*French version below*
The Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nantes (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/Université de Nantes) launches a conference dedicated to Element Theory in Nantes, June 14-15 2018. The detailed version of the call is on our website:
The aim of this event is to provide an overview and to open new perspectives in this research program. In doing so, we would like to open discussions regarding the phonological framework(s) that use unary primes, with a particular focus on:

– the relation with phonetics,
– the head/dependent status,
– the asymetries among primitives,
– the possible operations and
– the expansion or diminution of the element set required to characterize segments.

The above mentioned topics are open and we invite the participants to provide thoughts and criticism about the general axis we propose. There are obviously more questions that can be addressed regarding ET and we encourage any contribution that falls within this scope.

This conference aims at bringing together linguists from various areas and is not restricted to theoretical phonology. This is addressed to researchers that wish to present new topics regarding ET, but also to those who are not familiar with the most recent developments within Elements Theory and are looking for an extensive overview.

We will have the pleasure to welcome the following invited speakers:

  • Phillip Backley (Tohoku Gakuin University)
  • Elan Dresher (University of Toronto)
  • Harry van der Hulst (University of Connecticut)
  • Markus Pöchtrager (University of Vienna)
  • Jean-Luc Schwartz (GIPSA Lab)
The anonymized abstracts should be sent to and should not exceed 2 single-spaced pages (references and figures included), font size 12.

The important dates are:

  • 29 January 2018: deadline for submitting an abstract
  • 9 April 2018: notification to authors
  • 14-15 June 2018: Conference

The scientific committee is:

  • Jean-Pierre Angoujard (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/University of Nantes)
  • Phillip Backley (Tohoku Gakuin University)
  • Sabrina Bendjaballah (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/University of Nantes)
  • Jean-Marc Beltzung (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/University of Nantes)
  • Joaquim Brandão de Carvalho (University of Paris 8)
  • Monik Charette (SOAS University of London)
  • Elan Dresher (University of Toronto)
  • Harry van der Hulst (University of Connecticut)
  • Martin Krämer (University of Tromsø)
  • Nancy Kula (University of Essex)
  • Jean Lowenstamm (University of Paris 7)
  • Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University)
  • Hitomi Onuma (Iwate Medical University / Tohoku Gakuin University)
  • Markus Pöchtrager (University of Vienna)
  • Krisztina Polgárdi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
  • Tobias Scheer (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis)
  • Geoff Schwartz (Adam Mickiewicz University)
  • Jean-Luc Schwartz (GIPSA Lab)
  • Péter Szigetvári (Eötvös Loránd University)
  • Ali Tifrit (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/University of Nantes)
  • Nathalie Vallée (GIPSA Lab)
  • Laurence Voeltzel (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/University of Nantes)

Organizing Committee :

LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/University of Nantes

  • Sabrina Bendjaballah
  • Ali Tifrit
  • Laurence Voeltzel
For more information:
Le Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nantes (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/Université de Nantes) organise une conférence dédiée à la Théorie des Elements (ET), qui aura lieu les 14 et 15 juin 2018 à Nantes.
L’objectif est d’établir un bilan et d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives dans ce programme de recherche, en interrogeant le(s) modèle(s) phonologique(s) qui manipule(nt) des primitives unaires sur :

– la relation avec la phonétique,
– le statut tête/dépendant;
– les asymétries entre les primitives,
– les opérations et
– la limitation ou l’extension du nombre de primitives disponibles.

Les sujets mentionnés ci-dessus sont ouverts et nous invitons les participants à proposer une réflexion et des critiques portant sur ces axes généraux, ainsi que toute autre question qui relève d’ET.

Cette conférence a pour but d’accueillir des chercheurs d’horizons variés et ne se restreint pas à la phonologie théorique. L’événement s’adresse aux chercheurs qui souhaitent présenter de nouvelles problématiques dans le cadre de la Théorie des Eléments, mais également à ceux qui ne sont pas familiers avec les développements les plus récents d’ET et qui souhaiteraient acquérir une vue d’ensemble de ces modèles.

Nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir comme invités :

  • Phillip Backley (Université Tohoku Gakuin)
  • Elan Dresher (Université de Toronto)
  • Harry van der Hulst (Université du Connecticut)
  • Markus Pöchtrager (Université de Vienne)
  • Jean-Luc Schwartz (GIPSA Lab)

La version complète du call est disponible sur notre site :

Les résumés sont à envoyer par mel à, sous la forme d’un fichier pdf anonyme, interligne simple, police taille 12, n’excédant pas deux pages (références et figures incluses), en anglais.
Les dates à retenir sont :

  • 29 janvier : date limite pour l’envoi des résumés
  • 9 avril : notification aux auteurs
  • 14-15 juin : conférence

Comité scientifique :

  • Jean-Pierre Angoujard (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/Université de Nantes)
  • Phillip Backley (Université Tohoku Gakuin)
  • Sabrina Bendjaballah (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/Université de Nantes)
  • Jean-Marc Beltzung (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/Université de Nantes)
  • Joaquim Brandão de Carvalho (Université Paris 8)
  • Monik Charette (SOAS Université de Londres)
  • Elan Dresher (Université de Toronto)
  • Harry van der Hulst (Université du Connecticut)
  • Martin Krämer (Université de Tromsø)
  • Nancy Kula (Université d’Essex)
  • Jean Lowenstamm (Université Paris 7)
  • Kuniya Nasukawa (Université Tohoku Gakuin)
  • Hitomi Onuma (Université Iwate / Université Tohoku Gakuin)
  • Markus Pöchtrager (Université de Vienne)
  • Krisztina Polgárdi (Académie hongroise des sciences)
  • Tobias Scheer (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
  • Geoff Schwartz (Université Adam Mickiewicz)
  • Jean-Luc Schwartz (GIPSA Lab)
  • Péter Szigetvári (Université Eötvös Loránd)
  • Ali Tifrit (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/Université de Nantes)
  • Nathalie Vallée (GIPSA Lab)
  • Laurence Voeltzel (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/Université de Nantes)

Comité d’organisation :

LLING UMR 6310 CNRS/Université de Nantes

  • Sabrina Bendjaballah
  • Ali Tifrit
  • Laurence Voeltzel
Pour plus d’information :

LabPhon abstract deadline Nov. 15th, 2017

The 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon16)
Date: 19-Jun-2018 – 22-Jun-2018
Location: University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Contact Email:
Meeting URL:

LabPhon16: Variation, development and impairment: Between phonetics and phonology

Abstract submission is now open for the 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology.

LabPhon16 will feature thematic and non-thematic sessions of oral and poster presentations. Submissions on any aspect of laboratory phonology are welcome. Contributions relating to the conference themes are encouraged, as well as student submissions. Reduced registration fees are available for students, and a number of travel grants will be awarded on a competitive basis for graduate student presenters.

Deadline: November 15, 2017
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2018
Abstracts must be submitted through EasyChair, using the link provided in the LabPhon16 website (

Call for satellite workshop proposals

The LabPhon16 Organizing Committee invites proposals for satellite workshops. Workshops may be proposed on any topic related to laboratory phonology. Workshops will be held on the afternoon of June 19 and the morning of June 23, at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.

Deadline for workshop proposals: November 1, 2017
Workshop notification of acceptance: November 15, 2017
Please submit your proposal via email in pdf format to .

For abstract submission and workshop proposal guidelines, please visit the LabPhon16 website.

Questions can be addressed to
Updates will appear on and

Workshop on the Emergence of Universals

Workshop on the Emergence of Universals

February 18-19, 2018

Ohio State University

Abstract deadline October 31, 2017

One of the central questions in linguistics concerns the nature of the commonalities that languages share, as well as the source of those commonalities.  The dominant paradigm in the study of universals has for a long time been based on the concept of a Universal Grammar: an innate cognitive module containing both substantive and formal prescriptions for the construction of all and any human language. In recent years, however, another strand of research has developed that entertains the idea that universals, or universal tendencies, may be traceable to mechanisms external to linguistic competence narrowly defined. Such mechanisms include the ways in which all languages are transferred and mis-transferred across generations and speakers; the way humans create and populate conceptual categories of all kinds; the constraints on sequential auditory processing, the speed of physical articulators, and the integration of multiple sources of sensory information; among others. These forces may act in the short term, shaping the structure of individual utterances, over longer periods of time in the accumulation of incremental changes to how languages are spoken, and/or in the evolution of human language from pre-linguistic communication.

This workshop invites submissions on the topic of language universals across all time scales and all domains of linguistics. Papers should specifically investigate the hypothesis that such universals may not be directly specified in human DNA, but might emerge multiple times across different languages due to the common forces that shape those languages.

Invited Speakers:

Juliette Blevins, CUNY Graduate Center

Morten Christiansen, Cornell University

Jeff Mielke, North Carolina State University

Rebecca Morley, The Ohio State University

Elliott Moreton, University of North Carolina

Announcement: The 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon16)

The 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon16)
Date: 19-Jun-2018 – 22-Jun-2018
Location: University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Contact: Sonia Frota
Contact Email:
Meeting URL:

Meeting Description:

LabPhon16: Variation, development and impairment: Between phonetics and phonology

Variation, development and impairment are intertwined key dimensions for our understanding of language in general, and of phonetics and phonology in particular. Variation occurs across languages and within languages, at every level of sound (and other linguistic) structures, and is arguably not random (e.g., system-related, message-related, speaker-related, climatic-related). It plays a role in sound change, it challenges the task of acquiring a language and of language learning in general (how the relevant units are identified and their form-meaning functions established), and it poses interesting questions in drawing the lines between typical phonological development and impairments.

Invited Speakers:

Len Abbeduto (UC Davis MIND Institute)
Catherine Best (Western Sydney University)
Anne Christophe (ENS – Research University Paris)
Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)

Invited Discussants:

Anja Lowit (University of Strathclyde)
Janet Werker (The University of British Columbia)
Paula Fikkert (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Pilar Prieto (ICREA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

The call for papers will be out September 15, 2017
Deadline for abstract submission: November 15, 2017
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2018

Questions can be addressed to
Updates will appear on and

Society for Computation in Linguistics Call for Papers

The Society for Computation in Linguistics  (SCiL) invites submissions to its inaugural meeting, SCiL 2018, which will be co-located with LSA 2018 as a sister society in Salt Lake City, Utah, January 4-7, 2018. SCiL 2018 will be held jointly with a one-time workshop on “Perceptrons and Syntactic Structures at Sixty” (PSS@60) and the 2018 meeting of Cognitive Modeling in Computational Linguistics (CMCL).

We seek high-quality research on computational and mathematical approaches in any area of linguistics. There will be two submission tracks: papers and abstracts. Accepted papers and abstracts will be presented (either orally or as posters) at the SCiL 2018 meeting. Papers will be published prior to the conference in the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Anthology. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to submit extended abstracts prior to the conference. Both papers and extended abstracts will be published online in the forthcoming open-access SCiL proceedings.

Invited Speakers

  • Jacob Andreas
  • Emily M. Bender
  • Sam Bowman
  • Chris Dyer
  • Jason Eisner
  • Robert Frank
  • Matt Goldrick
  • Sharon Goldwater
  • Paul Smolensky

Important Dates

Submission Deadline (papers and abstracts): August 1, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: mid-September, 2017
Camera Ready Papers and Abstracts Due: November 1, 2017
Conference: January 4-7, 2018


Papers (8pp) and abstracts (2pp) are due August 1, 2017. Links to the submission site will be posted by July 1, 2017. Papers and abstracts must be anonymous and prepared in PDF format according to the following guidelines.


Paper submissions must describe original, completed, and unpublished work. They are limited to 8 content pages (plus unlimited pages for references) and should follow the two-column ACL format. Style templates are available from the NAACL website:

Accepted papers will be published in the ACL Anthology prior to the conference, and will be presented either as oral or poster presentations at SCiL 2018. Papers will also be published online in the forthcoming open-access SCiL proceedings.


Abstract submissions must describe original and completed work. To facilitate exchange of research ideas across disciplines, this track will consider work that has been previously presented (and potentially published) at venues with distinct scope and target audiences from SCiL. Submissions describing previously presented/published work must indicate so at submission time.

Abstracts length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. Font should be 12-point Times or Times New Roman throughout, and the document should be single-spaced, left justified, with margins of exactly one inch on all sides. Title and section headings (if used) should bold.

Accepted abstracts will be presented at SCiL 2018 as posters or oral presentations. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to extend abstracts up to 4 pages (extended abstracts). Abstracts and extended abstracts will be published before the conference in the forthcoming open-access SCiL Proceedings.



Advisory Committee

  • Emily Bender, University of Washington
  • Leon Bergen, UCSD
  • Jennifer Culbertson, University of Edinburgh
  • Naomi Feldman, University of Maryland
  • Tim Hunter, UCLA
  • Roger Levy, MIT
  • Giorgio Magri, CNRS and University of Paris 8
  • Brendan O’Connor, UMass Amherst
  • Christopher Potts, Stanford University

AMP 2017 Second Call for Papers – Deadline 4/24

Deadline for Main Session abstract submission: Monday, April 24, 2017, 11:59pm

Deadline for Workshop abstract submission: Monday, May 15, 2017, 11:59pm

We are seeking high-quality unpublished research in all areas of theoretical, experimental and computational phonology for presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2017). The conference will take place September 15-17, 2017 on the campus of New York University. This is the fifth installment of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, following the 2013 inaugural meeting at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and subsequent meetings hosted by MIT, UBC/SFU and USC.

This year’s conference will be jointly hosted by the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and features an integrated, special session “Bridging the gap between phonological theory and speech disorders”. We are additionally seeking high-quality research that lies at the intersection between the study of speech disorders and linguistics, e.g. studies of disordered phonology.

We invite abstracts for either oral presentation (20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion) or poster presentation. All presentations (in both the general and special sessions) are eligible for publication in the open-access on-line conference proceedings hosted by theLinguistic Society of America. Oral presentations will appear in the main Proceedings and poster presentations will appear in the Supplemental Proceedings.

Abstracts must be anonymous, please be sure to eliminate any identifying metadata from the document. Length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. Font should be 12-point, with margins of at least one inch left on all sides. Abstracts must be submitted in .pdf file format.

Submissions are limited to two per author, with at most one submission being single-authored.

Main Session

The deadline for abstract submission for the Main Session is Monday, April 24, 2017, 11:59pm.

Main Session abstract submission:


The deadline for abstract submission for the Workshop on speech disorders has been extended to Monday, May 15, 2017, 11:59pm.

Workshop abstract submission: by email to Please follow the formatting guidelines specified for the Main Session. Please also indicate your preference for an oral presentation versus a poster.

AMP 2017 contact email:


AMP 2017 welcomes submissions from scholars who are affected by the recent executive order banning travel from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. For scholars from these countries whose abstracts are accepted either for poster or oral presentation, we will make every effort to arrange for them to present their research via streaming over the internet (e.g. Skype or Google Hangouts).