Update Jan. 27th. Almost there! The LSA has now set up our proceedings website, and we just need to configure it. We have now extended the deadline to February 15th.
The proceedings of Phonology 2013, and all subsequent iterations, will be published on-line by the Linguistic Society of America. Papers based on the oral presentations will be collected in “Proceedings of Phonology 2013”. Papers based on poster presentations will be included in “Supplemental Proceedings of Phonology 2013”.
Papers must be written to conform with our stylesheet, and will be submitted directly by the authors to the LSA (details forthcoming) by December 20th 2013 at the latest. Download a .zip file with a word template with predefined styles by clicking here, and download a .zip file with a latex class files and examples here.
Papers will not be refereed beyond the original abstract review, though authors are encouraged to get peer commentary prior to the December 20th final version. Because the papers themselves are not refereed, these proceedings should not constitute prior publication in the eyes of most journal editors (we give no guarantees, so do check with the editor of the journal that you might plan to submit to). The usual and encouraged practice, however, is for a paper published in a proceedings to be elaborated with further data or analysis before submitting it for journal publication. In any case, you should probably inform the editor that (part of) the paper was published in a proceedings when you submit.
Please e-mail the conference organizers if you find any problems with the files linked above, or if you have any further questions.