Exam 1 is taking place on Tuesday 24 Feb 2009 from 7 to 9 pm. For further information about the material covered, the location, the format of the exam, a sample exam, etc., see https://websites.umass.edu/physics131-willocq/exams/.
Sample exam 1 solutions are now posted [23 Feb 12:30 pm]
Do you think you’ll be able to post the answers to this sample exam (even if it’s just the letter of the answer)? Because not all of us will be able to make it to the special help session where you mentioned the answers will be told.
Thank you.
Sure. I am planning to post the lettered answers this weekend.
Oh okay, thank you.
Will there be written and online homework due on the 27th even though we have an exam this week? If so will the assignment be posted before or after we have the exam?
Thank you.
There will be a written homework #4 due on Friday Feb 27 indeed. The online homework #4 will be due at the beginning of the following week.
On #22 on the solutions page (but #21 on the page w/ just questions alone), why is .25h added to the time 2.18h? I know how to get to 2.18, but why add and not subtract, since he is running late?
We need to add 15 minutes to the time it would normally take to drive 120 miles since the driver is running 15 minutes at that point. It is taking more time to travel 120 miles since the driver is day dreaming and he is running 15 mins behind.
I’m not sure if you told us this already, but will we receive partial credit for showing our work on the multiple choice questions? (i.e. if we circle the wrong answer but show that we did most of the calculations correctly)
There is unfortunately no partial credit for the multiple choice questions. Having 5 answers provided is giving you some feedback at least. By this I mean that if your answer is not one of the 5 provided then you definitely know that you need to correct your solution.
There is one longer problem that will be hand-graded and for which you will receive partial credit. That problem will be worth 10 points, as opposed to only 5 points for each of the multiple choice questions.
Would you be able to post the solution for written hw #3 before the exam tonight? I know its getting late, but it would be helpful.
I just posted the solution for written hw #3.