5 thoughts on “Homework #5

  1. aswhitmo

    What are the chances we can take a look at our previous exam to see which problems exactly we got wrong?

  2. slashley

    To find the magnitudes of each block (if we are expected to use F=ma), would the acceleration be equal to 0 because the block is not moving, or would it be equal to acceleration due to gravity, in this case?

  3. physics131-willocq Post author

    In this case, the blocks are at rest initially and remain at rest. This means they have acceleration = 0, which in turns means that the net force acting on each of the blocks = 0.

  4. simms

    I am having some trouble with the last Mastering physics problem in trying to figure out the magnitude of acceleration. If we are supposed to use F=ma, which mass do we use if they say to ignore the mass of the bear? Also do we have to find Fnet by using components? There seems to be something I am doing wrong.

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