Here is the pdf file for lecture 26, which deals with Wind Power, Biofuels and Dark Energy.
Link to Cape Wind website.
Link to an introduction to Dark Energy
Here is the pdf file for lecture 26, which deals with Wind Power, Biofuels and Dark Energy.
Link to Cape Wind website.
Link to an introduction to Dark Energy
Here is the pdf file for lecture 25, which finishes up solar power and then moves into wind power.
Link to the COP15 – Copenhagen conference on climate change.
Link to the EPA press release on its endangerment finding for greenhouse gasses.
Link to concentrating PV company Cool Earth Solar.
The final paper/project assignment, including the list of topics, can be found here.
It is due in my mailbox (in LGRT 1127A) by the end of the day on Thursday, December 17th.
Please make sure that papers are also turned in through SPARK!
I’ve decided to make homework 10 an optional extra credit assignment.
Homework 10 can be found here. It is due by the end of the day on Thursday, December 10th. I will not be accepting late submissions for Homework 10.
Here is the pdf file for lecture 24 which talks about solar power and the physics of photovoltaic cells.
Factsheet on thin film solar manufacturer First Solar.
Here is the pdf file for lecture 23 completes our discussion of nuclear energy and nuclear power.
Link to New York Times story on hybrid garbage trucks in NYC.
Link to New York Times article on the newly announced CO2 emissions targets of the U.S. and China
Homework 9 can be found here. It is due in class on Thursday, December 3rd. It includes one 25 point extra credit problem.
The schedule for the rest of the semester is that….
Homework 10 will be due on Thursday, December 10th. This will include some additional extra credit problems.
The final project will be due on Thursday, December 17th.
Here is the pdf file for lecture 22 focuses on nuclear energy, including the concept of nuclear binding energy.
Link to the website of the COP15 – Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change.
Here is the pdf file for lecture 21, which covers CO2 concentrations, a brief discussion of the impacts of climate change and then starts into nuclear power.
Link to new report on peak oil from Cambridge Energy Research Associates.
Link to New York Times article on ocean CO2 uptake
Link to IPCC report “Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”
Link to
Here is the pdf file for lecture 20, which covers the physics and chemistry behind the greenhouse effect, as well as data on global warming and atmospheric GHG concentrations.