The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Lecture 5

Here is the pdf file for lecture 5, which covers……

• Mechanical equivalent of heat

• Kinetic theory of gasses

• Kelvin temperature scale and absolute zero.

New York Times article on today’s climate change summit at the U.N.


Lecture 4

Here is the pdf file for lecture 4, which covers……

• The concept of power and Watts, the unit of power

• Thermal energy and BTU’s, a unit of thermal energy


Lecture 3

Here is the pdf file for lecture 3, which covers gravitational potential energy.

Info on the  first operating hydrokinetic power plant in the U.S. is located on the Mississippi River in Hastings, MN can be found here.


Lecture 2

Here is the pdf file for lecture 2, which covers ….

• The many forms of energy

• Conservation of energy

• Second law of thermodynamics

• Kinetic Energy

Energy News Items Lectures

Lecture 1

Here is the pdf file for lecture 1, which gives a basic introduction to the course.

Here is also a link to the Energy Information Agency of the DOE, the source for the energy supply and demand projections discussed in class (and much more).