The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Course Syllabus

The course syllabus contains basic information like where my office and mailbox are located, as well as the course requirements and a brief summary of the topics we’ll cover.


Energy & Society course blog

Welcome to Energy & Society, the blog for Physics 190E. I’ll be posting all the course material on this blog – including lectures, assignments, readings, announcements and links to energy related news items.

In the right hand column of the blog you’ll find various useful items.

Categories – displays all the blog posts in a single category – categories will include assignments, lectures, etc.

Blogroll – A couple of sites focused on energy, environmental and climate related news and views.  Note the “Energy & Society @” link.  This will bring you to a site where I save links to relevant news items as I come across them.  The links there are a good starting point for many midterm and final paper topics.

RSS feeds – news feeds from 3 sites focused on energy and the environment.  In the course of the semester, I’ll ask you to read and summarize articles from these sites.


Academic Regulations

It’s good to know where to find the University’s Academic Regulations. The sections particularly relevant for this class  are those on attendance and academic honesty/plagiarism.