1M: Work and Energy

1M40.10-Nose-Basher Pendulum (Suicide Pendulum)1m4010_nose_basher_pendulumThis demonstration illustrates the conservation of energy of a pendulum. The potential energy of the ...
1M40.15-Pendulum and Peg1m4015_pendulum_and_peg_2This is used to show the conservation of energy in a pendulum bob.
1M40.20-Loop Ball Track1m4020_loop_ball_trackThis apparatus can be used to show the requirements for a ball to travel in a loop ...
1M40.33a-Conservation of Energy Track (1/2)1m4033a_coe_trackWhen two identical balls are simultaneously released from rest at the same position, most ...
1M40.33b-Conservation of Energy Track (2/2)1m4033b_coe_trackWhen two identical balls are simultaneously released from rest at the same position, most ...
1M40.33c-4 Ball Track1m4033c_4_ball_track What will be the ranking of the balls in the race? 1) Blue, 2) Green, 3) Yellow, 4)Red.
1M40.41-Ballistic Pendulum1m4041_ballistic_pendulumThis demonstration shows how kinetic energy gets transfered into potential energy through ...