5G20.30 - Magnetic Domains (Array of Arrows) | | This demo shows the magnetic field lines of a magnet on the overhead projector.
5G20.70 - Small Electromargnet | | This demonstration uses a small electromagnet connected to a 9V battery to pick up the ... |
5G20.71 - Electromagnet | | This demonstration illustrates the pieces that make up a simple electromagnet.
5G30.20 - Paramagnetism of Liquid Oxygen | | Using a high power magnet, you can show the paramagnetism of liquid oxygen In general... |
5G50.10 - Curie Point | | A ball of iron is attached to a magnet. Heat the iron near the magnet and it should fall after a few seconds.
5G50.50 - Meissner Effect | | Cool a superconductor with liquid nitrogen and a small magnet floats on it due to magnet repulsion.