6F40.10-Blue Sky Red Sunset
Description: This demonstration illustrates the effects of light scattering in water (similar to the atmosphere).
- Small plastic container
- Flashlight
- Powdered Milk
- Water
Setup Procedure:
- Fill the tank up with water.
- Add a little powdered milk to the water and mix it in.
Demonstration Procedure:
- Shine the flashlight into the water from the side.
- Show students the side view (see picture). Note that the beam starts out with blue reflected light and goes to a more yellowish color.
- Turn the tank around and have students look at the end of the light coming out. Note that it is an orange color.
- This shows how different colors are scattered at different lengths.
- When finished, turn off the flashlight.
Note: Too much powdered milk and students won’t be able to see the the beam of light on the other side.