4A40.30b-Smashing Fruit

Description: This demonstration shows how the properties of fruit change at low temperatures.
This can also be done with a flower (see 4A40.30a).


  • Fruit (apple works good)
  • LN2
  • Large Thermos
  • Tongs
  • Protective gloves
  • (Optional) Hammer

Demonstration Procedure:

  1. Either explain or show that hitting a fruit (such as an apple) with a hammer (or dropping it) will do almost nothing to the fruit.
  2. Fill the thermos with LN2.
  3. Drop the piece of fruit into the thermos.
  4. Wait a few minutes for the fruit to cool down.
  5. Take the fruit out using the tongs.
  6. You can drop it from arm level onto the ground or smash it on the table with a hammer.
  7. Note that the fruit breaks into little pieces. This is because the properties of fruit change at low temperatures, and the fruit gets much more rigid and brittle.

Liquid Nitrogen Liquid Nitrogen
Use caution when working with liquid nitrogen, as it is very cold.

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