5B10.40-Electric Field Lines on overhead
Description: This demonstration visually shows the electric field lines using the overhead projector.
- Rods and Fur
- 4 Electrode Configurations
- Top container of particles in oil
- Overhead Projector
- (Optional) Long Grounding wire
Setup Procedure:
- Include all configurations unless otherwise asked.
- Place on the overhead and focus.
- If possible, connect the grounding wire to a grounded terminal. Make sure it’s a ground terminal and not a -V terminal (both are black).
Demonstration Procedure:
- Start with one electrode configuration.
- Place the oil container on top of it.
- Turn on the overhead projector.
- Charge up the ungrounded electrode using the rods and fur.
- Note the particles align themselves with the electric field lines.
- Repeat with the other three electrode plates. Shake up the oil container to remove the previous pattern.
Note: As with most electrostatic demonstrations, this works best under 50% humidity.