6D20.50-Crossed Gratings and Laser

6d2050crossed grating and laser-1 6d2050crossed gratings and laser-3 6d2050crossed gratings and laser-2

Description: Show the pattern of a crossed grating using laser light.


  • Optical bench
  • Laser on post
  • Magnetic stand and magnetic slide holder
  • Crossed grating slides

Setup Procedure:

  1. Insert the laser into the optical bench.
  2. Insert the magnetic stand into the optical bench.
  3. Place the crossed grating slide on the magnetic slide holder.
  4. Place the magnetic slide holder onto the magnetic stand and align so the laser will shin on the slit.
  5. Setup in the classroom to allow for the most distance between the laser and screen.

Demonstration Procedure:

  1. Turn on the laser and make sure it’s lined up on the grating.
  2. (Optional) Turn off the lights.
  3. Note the diffraction pattern on the screen.
  4. You may repeat this using different crossed gratings.
  5. When finished, turn off the laser.

Caution, Laser Laser Light
Do not stare into the beam. Keep away from students eyes.