The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Faculty Research

Folbre’s Times blog post cited in Economist

A columnist writing about the power of labor unions and the jobless recovery cites a recent blog entry by Nancy Folbre, professor of economics, in the New York Times. Folbre argues that the reason jobs aren’t being created as the economy recovers is that there is now a “borderless” and globalized economic system at work. For the full article, visit The Economist.

Nancy Folbre is a Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a writer for the New York Times blog, Economix. Recently, Folbre posted about recent research on women and the “motherhood penalty,” or the loss of wages upon having children, by faculty associate Michelle Budig, Professor of Sociology. Her primary comment regarding Budig’s research was that many high-income women running for office in this election cycle may be unaware of the trend of women with the lowest earnings suffering most from the motherhood penalty. For the full article, click here.

Folbre is a leading expert on care policy and is the author of several well-known books, including The Field Guide to the U.S. Economy. Other recent books include Saving State U: Fixing Public Higher Education; Greed, Lust and Gender: A History of Economic Ideas; Warm Hands in Cold Age: Gender and Aging; The Invisible Heart: Economics and Family Values; and Valuing Children: Rethinking the Economics of the Family. She also maintains a personal research blog, Care Talk, and is a former recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship. Folbre has consulted for the United Nations Human Development Office, the World Bank, and other organizations.

Economix puts economics, which the Times describes as “the study of our lives — our jobs, our homes, our families and the little decisions we face every day,” in a simpler and more relatable manner for those of us who have forgotten everything we had learned from ECON101. Folbre writes for this blog weekly. For the full article about Budig’s research, click here.

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