Assistant professor of public policy and acting director of the Social Thought and Political Economy program David Mednicoff is interviewed by The Republican and by WWLP-TV 22 News on the conflict in Libya.
Mednicoff says accusations that Moammar Gadhafi ordered the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988 fit in with his generally unpredictable behavior over the years, and that Gadhafi justified his rule over Libya based on anti-western and anti-colonial sentiments. “If the regime falls, I think we are going to see a lot more very specific evidence of what happened,” he said.
In addition to his comments on Libya and the general unrest in the area, Mednicoff was a guest on the public affairs television show “CrossTalk” on February 12th. He and the other guests discussed efforts by the U.S. government to promote democracy in other countries and why this sometimes produces negative policy outcomes. Check out the video at Russia Today.