The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Faculty Research

Schweik Discusses Forthcoming Book at University of Alaska

Charles Schweik, associate professor of environmental conservation and public policy, presented a talk about his forthcoming book at the University of Alaska Anchorage on June 27, 2011.

Schweik’s book, Understanding Collaboration in the Internet Era: A Study of Open Source Software Commons, will be published by MIT Press in Spring 2012.

Schweik was hosted in Anchorage by Jim Murphy, a former faculty member at CPPA who is now the Rasmuson Chair of Economics at UAA’s College of Business and Public Policy.

In his talk, Schweik talked about a fundamental issue addressed in the book, which is how we teach and learn from one another.  The collaborations developed through open-source software development, Schweik argues, offer strategies for working out problems that have important implications for solving big, global issues.

For additional information about Schweik’s talk and the forthcoming book, please listen to the podcast.

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