Three members of the UMass community and a Smith College professor will speak during the CPPA faculty colloquium series this spring. The colloquia enable members of the UMass community to discuss research that has significant policy implications. The talks are informal and often are about works-in-progress, with presenters providing a significant amount of time for audience discussion and feedback. All talks this spring will be in Thompson 620, from noon to 1 p.m. They are open to the public and brown bag lunches are welcome.
February 6: Martha Fuentes-Bautista (communication and public policy): “Collaborative Governance and Sustainability of Local Broadband Projects: Lessons from Underserved Communities in Western Massachusetts”
March 5: Nancy Whittier (Sociology, Smith College): “Social Movement Coalitions With and Within the State: Discourse, Policy and the Violence Against Women Act”
April 2: Brenda Bushouse (political science and public policy): “Universal Pre-K in Tough Budgetary Times: Variations in State Responses”
April 30: Fred Rose (Center for Public Policy and Administration): “Addressing the Causes of Concentrated Poverty: The Case of Springfield”