The Center for Public Policy and Administration will welcome Daniel Tygel, a leading Brazilian solidarity thinker and organizer, to campus on April 26. Tygel will give a public lecture titled “Building a Solidarity Economy for People and Planet: Views from Brazil.”
The solidarity economy is a rapidly growing social movement that is grounded in principles of equity, democracy and sustainability. It serves people and the planet rather than corporate greed and blind growth. Currently, Brazil has one of the world’s most impressive expressions of solidarity economy, and the Brazilian Forum on the Solidarity Economy has played a key role in its development.
Daniel Tygel is the former executive secretary of the Brazilian Forum on the Solidarity Economy and has been at the heart of the solidarity economy movement in his country for many years.
This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Public Policy and Administration; the Center for Popular Economics; the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network; Greenwork; Western Mass Jobs with Justice; the Alliance to Develop Power; the Valley Alliance of Worker Cooperatives; the UMass Labor Center; the UMass Cooperative Enterprise Collective; the UMass Economics Department; and the Political Economy Research Institute.
April 26, 2012, 2 to 4 p.m., Gordon Hall 302-304.
Download a poster for this event.