The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Environmental policy Events Faculty Research Science, technology & society

Gano’s Faculty Colloquium Talk to Address Global Environmental Policies

On Oct. 1, Gretchen Gano will discuss her recent work in a talk titled “Hearing and Heeding Citizen Voices in the Global Governance of Biodiversity.”

Gano is a lecturer at the Center for Public Policy and Administration and a doctoral candidate in Arizona State University’s Human Dimensions of Science and Technology program. Through the Science, Technology and Society Initiative housed at CPPA, she co-directs the Massachusetts branch of a United Nations environmental project called World Wide Views on Biodiversity.

This lecture is part of CPPA’s fall 2012 Faculty Colloquium series, which consists of informal talks, often about works-in-progress, with presenters providing a significant amount of time for audience discussion and feedback. All talks will be in Thompson 620, from noon to 1 p.m. They are open to the public and brown bag lunches are welcome.