The University of Massachusetts Amherst

CPPA Announces Spring 2014 Faculty Colloquium Series

The spring 2014 CPPA Faculty Colloquium Series offers an exciting lineup of innovative researchers and practitioners who will speak on a range of topics with substantial policy implications. These informal talks are in Thompson 620, from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m.

The spring 2014 CPPA Faculty Colloquium Series offers an exciting lineup of innovative researchers and practitioners who will speak on a range of topics with substantial policy implications. This semester’s speakers will talk about the growing and unlikely relationship between the U.S. and Brazil; policies in the Academy that affect mothers and motherhood; the intersection of wicked problems and social entrepreneurship; and federal oversight of workplace discrimination.

The talks are informal and often are about works-in-progress, with presenters providing a significant amount of time for audience discussion and feedback. All talks will be in Thompson 620, from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. They are open to the public and brown bag lunches are welcome.

International Partnership and the Unexpected U.S.-Brazilian Rapprochement
Javier Corrales (political science, Amherst College)
January 27



Bearing Witness to Mothers’ Lives in Academia
Mari Castañeda (communication)
February 3



Addressing Wicked Problems Through Social Entrepreneurship
Megan Briggs Lyster (social entrepreneurship, Hampshire College)
March 3

Identifying Equal and Unequal Opportunity Workplaces

Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (sociology)
April 7