The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Events Faculty Research

Pader to Address Housing Policies and Discrimination in Faculty Colloquium

On Nov. 5, Ellen Pader will discuss her recent work in a talk titled “Household Definitions, Zoning and Discrimination: How Housing Policies can Prevent Us from Being our Sibling’s Keeper, Create Waste and Cause Hate.”

Pader is an associate professor in the Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Department and is a member of the CPPA faculty. Her research focuses on the cultural, social and political facets of housing policy and design, particularly housing discrimination. Pader teaches courses on social issues in planning from inter-ethnic and cross-cultural perspectives, including identifying discriminatory practices on the basis of ethnicity, race, gender and class; social change; housing policy and social policy; and critical legal applications to social policy.

This lecture is part of CPPA’s fall 2012 Faculty Colloquium series, which consists of informal talks, often about works-in-progress, with presenters providing a significant amount of time for audience discussion and feedback. All talks will be in Thompson 620, from noon to 1 p.m. They are open to the public and brown bag lunches are welcome.