The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Alumni news

Alumnus Barber Running for State Legislature

Christine Barber (MPA ’03) has launched a campaign to become state representative of the 34th Middlesex district, a region that includes parts of Somerville and Medford, Mass.

Christine Barber (MPA ’03) has launched a campaign to become state representative of the 34th Middlesex district, a region that includes parts of Somerville and Medford, Mass.

Barber currently works as a senior policy analyst at Community Catalyst, a national nonprofit health care advocacy organization. Before joining Community Catalyst seven years ago, Barber served as a research analyst for the Massachusetts State Legislature’s Committee on Health Care Financing. One of her responsibilities in that role was to draft legislation, including the state’s landmark 2006 health care law.

The seat in the 34th Middlesex district has been vacant since former Rep. Carl Sciortino resigned earlier this year to become executive director of the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts.