CPPA director M.V. Lee Badgett (economics) is the co-author of an editorial appearing in the May 11, 2011 issue of the Worcester Telegram and Gazette. The editorial, “The High Costs of Discrimination,” discusses Massachusetts’ failure to pass legislation prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity and the toll this takes on transgendered residents and the state’s economy.
The op-ed is based on a recent study, “The Costs of Employment Discrimination Against Transgender Residents of Massachusetts,” conducted by Badgett’s co-author, Jody L. Herman of the Williams Institute at UCLA.
According to the study, discrimination affects almost 33,000 residents in Massachusetts. The state spends $3 million annually on public health insurance coverage for transgendered residents who could procure private insurance if they weren’t denied employment based on their sexual identity.
In addition, the state loses millions more from foregone income tax revenues and through additional support services for transgendered individuals who cannot support themselves and their families.
The full editorial is available here.