The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Events PAGC

PAGC Hosts Screening of Labor Documentary and Q&A with Filmmaker

On April 27, the Policy and Administration Graduate Council (PAGC) will host a screening of “Stitched Together: Workers, Students, and the Movement for Alta Gracia.” Filmmaker Will Delphia, a Hampshire College student, will lead a Q&A session immediately afterward. PAGC will provide free pizza.

Alta Gracia is a unique factory in the Dominican Republic where workers participate in a strong and independent union, receive a living wage of more than three times the local minimum wage, and are afforded dignity and respect on the job. These workers cut and sew fabric into T-shirts, hoodies and other apparel destined for universities and colleges. Alta Gracia is the exception to the norm of unsafe working conditions, poverty wages and repressive work environments at many other garment factories.

The story of Alta Gracia is that of a hard-won victory. The brick-and-mortar factory and many of the workers at Alta Gracia were once a part of another firm called BJ&B, which produced clothing for Nike and other brands. After a long battle, workers won a collective bargaining agreement with the factory owners at BJ&B, only to face mass layoffs and eventually a factory closure. “Stitched Together” explains how workers, conscientious investors and student activists collaborated to bring life to this new and important project.

Delphia, an aspiring documentary filmmaker, is a senior at Hampshire College. This film was independently produced as his senior thesis.

April 27, Gordon Hall 304, noon.

Download a poster for this event.

Environmental policy Events PAGC

Sierra Club’s Mark Kresowik to Discuss Coal Alternatives

Mark Kresowik, Northeast Director of the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign, will visit the UMass Amherst campus on Thursday, February 24, to discuss his organization’s efforts to promote alternatives to coal-fired power plants. The talk, which takes place at 1 p.m. in Gordon Hall 302-304, is sponsored by the Policy and Administration Graduate Council (PAGC) of the Center for Public Policy and Administration (CPPA). Drew Grande, Beyond Coal coordinator for Massachusetts, will join Kresowik for the talk.

Kresowik and Grande will discuss the role of coal-fired plants in producing a range of problems nationally and locally. For example, air toxics such as mercury, arsenic, and lead are by-products of coal burning and known threats to public health, contributing to problems ranging from childhood asthma to cancer and birth defects. Coal-powered plants are also estimated to contribute up to 30% of the pollution leading to climate change. In Massachusetts, coal burning plants are the state’s largest air polluters.

An important premise of the Beyond Coal Campaign is that smarter energy solutions also make good economic sense. Kresowik and Grande will talk about these smarter energy solutions, as well as the recent policy successes of the Beyond Coal Campaign.

This talk is free and open to the public. For additional information, contact Peter Vickery ( or go to

PAGC Student news

Policy & Administration Graduate Council Meeting

The Policy & Administration Graduate Council will be holding its next meeting on this Thursday, November 18th, from 3:30pm-4:30pm in Gordon 114.   The agenda items we plan to discuss are listed below:

  • Discussion of upcoming pagC elections
  • Community service and social activities
  • Future Speaker
  • pagC Budget Update
  • Fundraising
  • Committee Sign-up
  • GEO update
  • Curriculum Committee update
  • Social Justice and Diversity Committee Discussion

If you have any questions, please contact Elissa Holmes (elissa.r.holmes AT or Sarah Keister (sarah.keister AT We hope to see you there!

PAGC Student news

PAGC to Hold Meeting Monday, Sept. 20

The Policy and Administration Graduate Council (PAGC) is going to have their first meeting for the year on Monday, September 20th at 10:30am-11:30am in Thompson 620 (with pizza!). This is right before the faculty colloquium scheduled for the day in the same location, so we are hoping that you can come to both events. The agenda items that we have so far are listed below.

  • GSS senator and GEO steward elections
  • Plans for bringing in a speaker
  • Discussion of other possible speakers
  • Selecting and planning a community service project
  • Budget update
  • Planning for a fundraiser

If you have any questions, please contact Elissa Holmes (elissa.r.holmes AT or Sarah Keister (sarah.keister AT We hope to see you there!

Events PAGC Student news


All CPPA faculty, students and staff (and their families) are invited to the Annual PAGC End of the Year BBQ!

Where:  This year’s BBQ will be held at Look Park in Northampton.  We have reserved tables 14a, 15a, 15b and 15c.  We will put signs so that you don’t have too hard a time finding us! Parking at Look Park is $7.00 per vehicle, so we encourage you to carpool if possible.

When:  Saturday, May 1, 2010, from 1:00-5:00 PM.  If  the BBQ is cancelled due to weather, check your email! You will know 24 hours in advance.

PAGC will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and veggie burgers (and of course the plastic ware, plates and napkins).  We ask that you please bring a little something to share with the group.  Although we all really enjoy salads and chips, we would like to make sure we don’t end up with an abundance of salads and chips, and nothing to wash them down with!  As a result,  we would like you to please bring one of the following:

Appetizer and/or a side dish

Salad and/or dessert

Beverage of some sort (Alcoholic or non) and/or dessert

We know how hectic the end of the year can be, so if you are unable to bring something from your assigned category, please feel free to bring something from a different category.  Something’s better than nothing!  Don’t forget to bring any lawn games that you may have lying around that would be fun to play, and blankets/chairs might be a good idea for sitting on!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the PAGC officers.  We look forward to seeing you and your family there!

PAGC Student news

PAGC Meeting – Thursday April 1st

The next PAGC meeting will be this Thursday, April 1st, at 4:00 pm in the Mainzer Room!

We’ll be discussing how to better serve current CPPA students and how to reach out to incoming students this fall.  Please bring your ideas for presenters, the end-of-the-year BBQ, GSS funding requests, and community service projects and fundraising opportunities.

The Community/Service, Events, and Fundraising Committees will also be meeting!

Questions? Please contact Elissa ( or Sarah (