It is hard to believe that the semester is almost over and graduation is upon us! This year’s graduating class is poised for excellence, and CPPA wants to be sure to send them on their way in style. We hope you will take time to say goodbye to our graduates and celebrate their accomplishments at some of the events listed below:
May 12: CPPA Capstone Conference
Join CPPA as we learn about the research and client projects undertaken by our graduating students. This year’s capstone conference will take place May 12 from 9AM to 12:30 PM in Thompson 620 and 1:30 PM to 5PM in the Campus Center, room 905-909. Check the bulletin boards on the 4th floor for final lists of presentation times.
May 13: CPPA Graduation Celebration
The Class of 2010 graduate reception will be held upstairs at The Blue Heron in Sunderland on Thursday, May 13th from 4-6 PM. Join CPPA in our celebration of this year’s outstanding class. Reservations are required, so email Kathy today (kcolon at pubpol dot umass dot edu).
May 14: Commencement
Graduate Commencement will begin at 10AM. (Graduates should plan to check in at the Mullins Center much earlier). Visit the UMass Commencement website for details.
Best of luck to our graduates!