The University of Massachusetts Amherst
PAGC Student news

PAGC to Hold Meeting Monday, Sept. 20

The Policy and Administration Graduate Council (PAGC) is going to have their first meeting for the year on Monday, September 20th at 10:30am-11:30am in Thompson 620 (with pizza!). This is right before the faculty colloquium scheduled for the day in the same location, so we are hoping that you can come to both events. The agenda items that we have so far are listed below.

  • GSS senator and GEO steward elections
  • Plans for bringing in a speaker
  • Discussion of other possible speakers
  • Selecting and planning a community service project
  • Budget update
  • Planning for a fundraiser

If you have any questions, please contact Elissa Holmes (elissa.r.holmes AT or Sarah Keister (sarah.keister AT We hope to see you there!

PAGC Student news

PAGC Meeting – Thursday April 1st

The next PAGC meeting will be this Thursday, April 1st, at 4:00 pm in the Mainzer Room!

We’ll be discussing how to better serve current CPPA students and how to reach out to incoming students this fall.  Please bring your ideas for presenters, the end-of-the-year BBQ, GSS funding requests, and community service projects and fundraising opportunities.

The Community/Service, Events, and Fundraising Committees will also be meeting!

Questions? Please contact Elissa ( or Sarah (

Student news

Policy and Administration Graduate Council (PAGC)

Established by the class of 2010, the Policy and Administration Graduate Council  (PAGC) provides avenues that help MPPA students become part of a coherent and integrated community that works and plays together. Specifically, PAGC provides social, public service, academic and professional development events that promote community and individual growth.

In order to foster community and social cohesion, PAGC hosts social events including outings to local restaurants, pub trivia nights, hikes in the nearby mountains (or “hills” to our west coast friends), intramural sports teams, and annual BBQ-picnics.

Graduate school can keep students very busy: even the most service-oriented student may feel like there is little time for individual volunteering.  PAGC organizes community service events so that MPPA students can maintain their dedication to public service while completing graduate work.  Last year, for example, a large PAGC group participated in a local charitable fun run—the “Hot Chocolate Run” in Northampton—and will sponsor a group again this December.  A PAGC group also volunteered with Tapestry Health (a local public health non-profit), tabling in the UMass Student Union and volunteering at their office in nearby Greenfield to sign up individuals for Massachusetts’s new public insurance program (MassHealth).

CPPA and the MPPA program provide opportunities for professional development and academic engagement  .  PAGC supplements these by providing experience and knowledge to students that might fall outside the structured curriculum and department-sponsored programs. Last year’s PAGC professional development events included hosting a speaker from the E.U., co-sponsoring seminars in public speaking skills, and participation in the UMass etiquette dinner.

PAGC provides students additional opportunities to engage with the CPPA community.  It also provides an organized venue for graduate students to play a leadership role in the department and in the University as a whole.

-Anna Tomaskovic-Devey, President, Policy and Administration Graduate Council