Starting on Tuesday July 23rd and running approximately five weeks, or until completion, the fire hydrants on campus will undergo the annual flushing process.
Flushing will begin at 3:00 p.m. and run until 9:00 p.m. every weekday. The perimeter of the campus will be done early in the shift and the core later in the shift. We will notify residential areas two days before flushing. This will include North Village and Lincoln Apartments.
Flushing of Fire Hydrants is an important preventative maintenance activity to help insure the integrity of the potable water system and the deliver of quality water to our campus population. Flushing the hydrants remove sediments from the pipe, insures that the fire hydrants and valves are operating as intended, and helps to identify closed valves and weak flows.
Users may notice a discoloration in the water due to the flushing. In the event that this does occur please open up your faucet and allow it to run water until it clears up.
If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Tom Fydenkevez at: or 413-230-2143.
We thank you for your patience and cooperation during this critical process.