Reading assignments for the rest of the semester

Week 8: Abortion
Please read all assigned readings, except for the following: Faye Ginsburg, “Procreation Stories”

For the following weeks, please read only the following articles:
Week 9: Menopause
1. Feminist frontiers: “Hormonal hurricanes: Menstruation, menopause, and female behavior”

2. Gender and the social construction of illness: “If a situation is defined as real: Premenstrual syndrome and menopause”

3. Menopause: “Introduction”

4. Social Science and Medicine : “Is there a menopausal syndrome? Menopausal status and symptoms across racial/ethnic groups”

Week 10: Breast feeding
1. Human Organization: “Infant agency and its implication for breast-feeding promotion in Brazil”

2. Social Science and Medicine: “Low-income mothers’ views on breastfeeding”

3. Topic: “Sucker: Who in God’s name said breast is best?”

4. Medical Anthropology Quarterly: “Maternal bodies, breast-feeding, and consumer desire in China”

Week 11: HIV/STIs/HPV
1. Social Science and Medicine: “Syndemics, sex and the city: Understanding sexually transmitted diseases in social and cultural context”

2. American Journal of Public Health: “Reproductive health of adolescent girls perinatally infected with HIV”

3. “HPV Vaccine: A Call for Mandatory Vaccination”

4. “HPV, vaccines, and gender: Policy considerations”

Thanksgiving Break/Week 12

Week 13: Women’s Health Movement/NFP
1. Into our own hands: “On their own: Women of color and the Women’s Health Movement”

2. Into our own hands: “Feminist health clinics as feminist practice”

3. Women’s health: “The gynecologic exam and the training of medical students: An opportunity for health education”

4. Reproductive rights and wrongs: “Barrier methods, natural family planning, and future directions”

Week 14: Midwifery
1. Women as healers: “Sisterhood and professionalization: A case study of the American lay midwife”

2. Black women’s health book: “Thank you Jesus to myself: The life of a traditional Black midwife”

3. Medical Anthropology Quarterly: “Gender expectations: Natural bodies and natural births in the new midwifery in Canada”

4. Medical Anthropology Quarterly: “Claiming respectable American motherhood: Homebirth mothers, medical officials, and the state”

Week 15: Reproductive Justice Movement and Reproductive Rights
1. Feminism is for everybody: Passionate politics: “Our bodies, ourselves: Reproductive rights”

2. Women’s voices, feminist visions: “Women of color and their struggle for reproductive justice”

3. Off Our Backs: “LGBT reproductive rights: An interview with Carmen Vazquez”

4. Abortion under attack: “A new vision for advancing our movement for reproductive health, reproductive rights, and reproductive justice: Asian communities for reproductive justice”