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The bottom line…for industry and for academia?

Here’s another recent article from The Nation, this time on conflicts of interest involved in academic research and the testing of pharmaceuticals. This article focuses particularly on Harvard University, an esteemed bastion of knowledge production. Think about what you read in the IUD, Depo-Provera, Quinicrine sterilization, and Implanon articles, in particular, with regard to this issue. See link to article below:

Harvard, Heal Thyself

Week 3 readings: Blog posts and announcement!

Please add your blog post responding to the readings on birth control as population control here.

Also, I’d like each of you to prepare one discussion question from the readings for next week’s class. I will collect these questions at the beginning of class and we will use these to drive the direction of next week’s discussion.

Week 2 Blog Response

Please post your blog response to the week 2 readings focusing on an introduction to humanistic perspectives on reproductive and sexual health here. Remember to email me your pseudonym and to use your pseudonym, in place of your name, when you are asked to fill in your name.