


  • RDCL lab space (Tobin 508/9 & Bartlett 21A) –
    • Sign up on the RDCL calendar.
      • Log in.
      • Block out the time.
      • Make sure you’re using the RDCL calendar, not your personal calendar!!!
        • A common mistake is to block out the time on your personal calendar. No one else can see it if you do that.
        • Edit event > calendar > RDCL.
      • In the event name put:
        • Your name.
        • The experiment name.
        • The room name and number.
        • Do not include any participant information.
      • Talk to other lab members before scheduling large blocks of time.
    • For SONA experiments –
      • Create slots in SONA.
      • Only sign-up on SONA once you’ve blocked out time in the RDCL calendar.
      • SONA instructions are here.
  • Eye tracking –
    • Sign up on the Eyetracking Lab calendar.
    • For SONA experiments –
      • Create slots in SONA.
      • Only sign-up on SONA once you’ve blocked out time in the Eyetracking Lab calendar.
      • SONA instructions are here.

Honors Projects

  • See this page for information on submitting a 499Y and 499T.
  • You can find a few sample 499Y and 499T contracts here.


  • Psychtoolbox library (RDCL functions) –  A folder of functions to be used in Psychophysics Toolbox. Updated 10/16/19.
  • Psychtoolbox skeleton experiment – An example skeleton experiment using Psychophysics Toolbox and the RDCL functions. Updated 5/26/19.
  • Calibration – Code to calibrate the luminance of a CRT. (M. Ross & J. Gold.) Updated 12/12/06.



Filling out the 398B form and other RA information

  • RA information: http://www.umass.edu/pbs/undergraduate/ras-tas-internships-independent-studies
  • The 398B form is found here.
  • The top box is self-explanatory with the following exceptions:
    • Hours/week: 3-9 hours/week, your choice.
    • # Credits: 1-3 (1 credit = 3 hours/week). This should match hours/week.
    • Grad student sponsor: Usually none.
    • Faculty sponsor: Andrew Cohen.
    • Research project: Leave blank.
  • Circle the following: Pilot work, library research, recruit subjects, collect data, attend team meetings.
  • Student role and expectations: Attend and participate in weekly lab meetings, recruit subjects, collect data, present research articles and/or research updates in meetings.
  • Student, grad student sponsor…supervision: The sponsor will meet with the student during weekly meetings. More meetings will be scheduled as needed.  The sponsor will provide training in subject recruitment and experiment running.
  • Specify how…evaluated: Student progress will be evaluated during weekly meetings.

Human subjects training

Academic job resources

How to run an experiment

Presentation Schedule

  • See the lab calendar.

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