
Primary investigator

  • Andrew Cohen (PhD Indiana University Psychology/Cognitive Science, Advisor R. Nosofky; postdoc Indiana University, Advisor R. Shiffrin; M.Sc., Texas A&M Computer Science)

Faculty collaborators

  • John Kingston
  • Tanya Leise
  • Caren Rotello
  • Rebecca Spencer
  • Jeffrey Starns
  • Adrian Staub

Graduate students

  • Sean Conway
  • Jerome Hoover
  • John Vargas

Honors/independent study students

  • Colin Bisbee

Former members

  • Michael Ross (postdoc, 2006-2008; Senior Software Engineer at Google)
  • Anthony McCaffrey (PhD student, 2005-2012; CTO of Innovation Accelerator, Director of Entrepreneurial Studies at Eagle Hill School, author)
  • Matthew Zivot (PhD student, 2005-2012; Associate Director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness at California State University, Fresno)
  • Guillaume Pagnier (NSB MS student, 2013-2015; Neurology Researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital, PhD Student at Brown University)
  • Gauri Harindranath (honors student, 2020)
  • Rachel Marcus (honors student, 2020)
  • John Vargas (honors student, 2019)
  • Cheryl Nicholas (MIE PhD student, 2014-2016)
  • Jordan Phillips (indep. study, 2018)
  • Sahil Chaturvedi (indep. study, 2018)
  • Tanner Bzdel (indep. study, 2017)
  • Fangzhou Zhu (Hampshire honors student, 2017)
  • Emma Winslow (honors student, 2017)
  • Jessica Rambharose (indep. study, 2017)
  • Jenn Hirst (honors student, 2016)
  • Holly Neale (honors student, 2016)
  • Sara Sidlowski (honors student, 2016)
  • Meaghan Valler (honors student, 2016)
  • Jacob Dustin (honors student, 2015)
  • Jade Hedrick (honors student, 2014)
  • Sarah Maney (indep. study, 2014)
  • Yimeng Wang (Hampshire indep. study, 2014)
  • Guillaume Pagnier (honors student, 2013)
  • Elizabeth Burch (honors student, 2010)
  • Andrea Cataldo (honors student, 2009)
  • Kristen Richard (indep. study, 2009)
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