The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Blogroll Classrooms IT Tools for Teaching Online Teaching Testing

Update and So Long

After six years, I am leaving the Provost’s Office and returning to the Faculty of Resource Economics. Thanks to everyone as it has been a great six years. To see an overview of the main projects we were involved in during that time you can view the slides of a presentation I gave to the Dean’s Council.

Classrooms IT Tools for Teaching

IT Ready Classrooms; Number & Percent–update

see summary  for a table of our IT rooms by room size categories

rooms-with-it-after-summer-08.jpg  note: once image appears, click on it to enlarge

We had another good summer with IT classroom improvements, slide1.JPG

many using the CIP IT Lite installation package given the smaller room sizes.  Click on the slide, or here, to open a text file [pdf] on how to use these rooms. Or watch the video.

The Lite package incudes:

Projector, Sanyo XU-78, 3000 lumens
Dalite Model B 70” by 70” matte screen
Extron Medialink wallmounted switcher
Extron projector amplifier
Two ceiling JBL speakers
Classrooms IT Tools for Teaching

Electrical work completed

Our electrical team has now completed the needed work on these rooms and hence they are now ready to go!

Dickinson 110, 114, Tobin 307, and Draper 124

Classrooms IT Tools for Teaching Uncategorized

Spring Break and IT

During Spring Break we were able to install full CIP IT packages into Dickinson 112, 214, and Holdsworth 202. In addition, we almost completed the installs in Dickinson 110, 114, Tobin 307, and Draper 124 as they “only” need the electrical wiring to be connected.

We also installed the CIP IT Lite package into these four rooms: Bartlett 3, 35, 314 and Dickinson 210.

Classrooms IT Tools for Teaching

IT Ready Classrooms; Number & Percent


Classrooms IT Tools for Teaching

CIP IT “Lite”

Over winter break we began a project to equip our smallest classrooms with a smaller AV package to meet the needs of more classes. We completed Dickinson 206 and LGRT 1234 with this simplified package that requires the instructor to bring her or his laptop to the room or to ask AIMS to deliver a DVD/VCR to the room. We are calling these new, smaller installations CIP IT Lite. During spring break, we will continue installing these “Lite” packages. We call this CIP IT Lite because we do not install a locked AV cabinet in the room and it also lacks a dedicated DVD/VCR.  All the equipment is accessed in these rooms from a wall plate. The instructor attaches her/his computer to the wall plate with the provided cable. If a DVD is needed and the instructor cannot use her/his computer to play it, AIMS can bring over a DVD, or VCR, to connect to the wall plate as well. The amplifier and the speakers are installed in the ceiling along with the projector.

These rooms work best for instructors who only need their computer for their presentation since the ceiling installed amplifier, speakers and projector make this a great presentation experience without the cost, and loss of floor space, of the other equipment.  Thus if you use only a laptop for your teaching, you can use a full CIP IT or CIP IT Lite room with equivalent success. We are using the savings to do more rooms.

Equipment in a CIP IT Lite room:

Sanyo XU-78 Projector XGA 3000 lumen

Dalite Model B 70” by 70” screen

Extron Medialink Projector Switcher

Extron MPA-122 Amplifier

JBL Ceiling Speakers

Wall connection plate and connecting cable(s) for connecting your own computer or an AIMS DVD or VCR.


New Classroom IT Key Procedure

We changed our key procedure and now use a “submit and pickup” method using the Web-based Key Request Form
You will be sent an email when your key is ready for pickup at the reception desk in the Office of the Provost, 362 Whitmore. Be sure to bring your campus ID (or driver’s license) when you stop by to pick it up.


Winter 2008 Installs and Plans

Over the winter break we were able to upgrade Fernald 11, Goessmann 20, and Isenberg SOM 133. We also began a project to equip our smallest classrooms with a smaller AV package to meet the needs of more classes. We completed Dickinson 206 and LGRT 1234 with this simplified package that requires the instructor to bring her or his laptop to the room or to ask AIMS to deliver a DVD/VCR to the room. We are calling these new, smaller installations CIP IT Lite. During spring break, we will continue installing these “Lite” packages [see CIP IT Lite post]. In addition, we will install the full CIP IT package in these eight rooms over spring and summer breaks:

Dickinson 110, 112, 114, 214, Draper 124, Holdsworth 202, Tobin 307, and Totman 156
Classrooms IT Tools for Teaching

Grading our Classrooms

Satisfaction with your Instructional Technology needs and the Classroom you were assigned

Source: IT and Classroom Survey, Spring 2007
Classrooms IT Tools for Teaching

IT teaching tools we use the most

IT tools used

Laptop use tops the IT Teaching Tools used–not surprisingly closely followed by “presentation software”.

Source: IT and Classroom instructor survey; Spring 2007.