Hey everyone! My name is Jamie Downer and I have been writing the blog for SAA for a while now. I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read our blog! Your support is invaluable to our organization. For this week’s blog topic, I wanted to share a little bit about myself as well as how SAA has impacted me directly. I hope that this blog will shine a light on all that SAA has to offer all of its members and encourage those of you unsure of joining to take the plunge.
I’ll start things off with a few facts about myself. I am a senior biology student at here at UMass Amherst, and I hope to one day become a high school science teacher. I am a Residential Assistant in a first year hall, and a passionate member of the SAA.
Like many incoming students, I had a tough start to my college career. I decided that I really needed to find an organization or club that would allow me to have a sense of belonging. On such a big campus, I didn’t really know how to start. I began to reach out to friends and mentors for advice on how to get started. Over and over again, the Student Alumni Association was mentioned and I decided to go to the first general body meeting of the year. I had some friends in the organization so what was there to lose?
From the minute I entered Memorial Hall, I knew my decision was a good one. The energy was high, everyone was so friendly and welcoming, and overall I felt like I had found a home. After being a general body member for the first semester of my Junior year, I decided to run for the position of Publications Coordinator and won! Since then I have been maintaining this blog, creating content for our social media platforms, and participating in amazing leadership and development opportunities. Now as a Senior, I am serving as the Vice President of the Public Relations and Communication branch and loving every minute!
For me, SAA has been a key part of my college experience. I have had fun, grown as both a person and a leader, and helped to make UMass the best it can be for it’s students and alumni. I have made friendships, connections, and memories that will last a lifetime.
SAA was the key for a happy ending to my story. If you want to start writing your SAA story, join our organization. It truly is never too late to start!
Jamie Downer ’19