With graduation rapidly approaching, we here at SAA have been trying our best to help seniors out!
We know that graduation can be stressful with all of the choices that have to be made and deciding where you will live can be amount the worst. This is why we want to highlight a series of free presentations hosted by the UMass Alumni Association: The “Moving To” Series.
Each presentation features a certain area, such as Boston, D.C, Pioneer Valley, and New York, and provides valuable information about what it is like to live there. Presenters are experienced professionals who can offer tips and tricks about things such as budgeting for new expenses, creating a new social circle, and finding affordable housing.
The Moving to Boston, D.C. and Pioneer Valley presentations were extremely successful and we are so thankful to everyone who came! We hope that you walked away with both newly acquired knowledge and peace about moving to new location.
We are excited to announce that there is one more “Moving to” event… “Moving To NYC”! If you are looking to head to the Big Apple after graduation or just want to learn more about what is like to live there, register here. Then, come to Memorial Hall on Tuesday, April 9th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.to meet Sarah Beth Hill ’10, founder of Perfect Strangers of NYC. The event is sure to be fun as well as informational.
Thank you to the Alumni Association for supporting the UMass students and providing great resources to aid us as move on to new adventures!
Jamie Downer ‘19