Five of our SAA members and adviser Lindsay had a blast at the CASE ASAP National Conference in Atlanta this August, hosted by Georgia State University and Appalachian State University. We enjoyed networking with students from across the country and trying some local flavors (chicken and waffles, anyone?). The theme this year was “Share an Experience”, which truly captured the spirit of the conference.
You might have heard about CASE ASAP from some of our be wondering exactly what that long acronym means. The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (that’s a mouthful), more commonly known as CASE, is a professional organization that serves both students and advancement professionals who work in alumni relations, communications, development, and marketing.
ASAP (Associated Student Advancement Programs) is the branch of CASE that includes student alumni associations and student foundations and works to foster student involvement in educational advancement. It also provides resources to student who are considering a career in advancement, like our own Colleen Madden who agreed to share her experience at the National Conference. Read on below to get her insights!
- Skyview Atlanta at sunset
- Presenting on professional communication tips to a full house.
- This year’s theme was “Share an Experience”
- D1 advisers represent
- Sam loves him some bacon
- With Tricia, our District 1 Student Rep
- With our pals from URI SAA. Go Rhody!
- VIP tour at Coca Cola World was so much fun!
It was an absolutely amazing experience to have attended the 2016 CASE ASAP Conference this past weekend in Atlanta, Georgia! As a newer member of the UMass Student Alumni Association, I felt lucky to have the opportunity to get further involved with the organization and network nationally.
One of my favorite parts of the conference was being able to meet and share ideas with students across the country, from Rhode Island to Kansas to California! I attended several sessions run by other schools and loved hearing about their traditions, community service events, recruitment processes, and more. With that, my head is flooded with new ideas that can be used to better our own alumni association and I cannot wait to share them with other UMass SAA members.
Even further, I found a passion for advancement. I was actually able to attend a session that explored careers in advancement, which greatly helped me see the different paths I can consider for the future. Along with that, I was able to network with professionals within the field. I now hope to become even further involved with CASE ASAP and all that it offers.
I truly enjoyed being able to explore Atlanta and create closer bonds with UMass SAA members, Helen, Katie, Mei and Sara, as well as our advisor Lindsay! This bonding time made me excited to come back to UMass in the Fall and take part in the SAA Fall Retreat, where I will meet new members and create even more friendships within the organization!