Sharon Domier's blog

musings about East Asian studies librarianship, research using Japanese and Chinese language resources, and fabulous new finds on the Internet

Entries Tagged as 'JE Translation'

What to Read?

July 31, 2020 by Sharon Domier · 2 Comments · Uncategorized

One of the questions I frequently get from students who are thinking about becoming literary translators is what they should read. That is a question that every librarian loves to hear. “Oh let’s talk books!” But this is no easy task. There is so much good literature being published that it is impossible to stay […]



Figuring Out What Has Been Published in Translation

July 31, 2020 by Sharon Domier · No Comments · Uncategorized

Student assignments, and even individuals interested in doing JE translation usually start from the proviso – select a story that hasn’t yet been published in English. The standby source used to be the Japan Foundation’s Japanese Literature in Translation database. It doesn’t provide full coverage – you will find some translations missing – but it […]



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