Instructions for participants


Conference presentations and interaction will take place via Zoom. We will make use of the ‘meetings’ option for Zoom (not webinar). This means that participants will be able to have both cameras and microphones open at will, and participate easily in the question periods. We will send out a conference Zoom link shortly before the conference.

Please make sure you have the latest version of Zoom and that you have a Zoom account. If that is not the case, here is a link to download Zoom (free) and to register an account (free):
If you have not used Zoom before, it would be important to try it out before the conference. Please let us know if you have any questions. Let us know as well if you foresee possible problems with connectivity during the conference.


Conference talks will take place at the times indicated on the conference program (Eastern Standard Time), including both the presentation and Q&A period. There will be a chair for each session and a tech-assistant in charge of making sure things run smoothly. You will be able to share your screen with conference participants so that you can discuss your handout/slides. If you have not participated in a synchronous Zoom conference before and have questions about this, please let us know. We’d be happy to chat.

We do not plan to record the talks. If you are interested in doing that, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can discuss privacy issues. Recordings will not be allowed during the Q&A period.


The poster session will have two main components: (1) Mini-talks: We will ask poster presenters to record mini-talks (3 min) with a brief presentation of their posters. Conference participants will be able to access the videos before the conference (this is an asynchronous component). (2) Zoom break-out rooms: During the conference poster sessions, poster presenters will be distributed in Zoom break-out rooms and participants will be able to move from one break-out room to the other, chatting with the poster presenters (this is a synchronous component).

We recommend that you plan your poster as a regular poster (i.e., 48” by 36”), but design it in portrait mode (not landscape). We have received feedback from other conferences with Zoom poster presentations indicating that this is easier to follow on a screen (remember that conference participants may be accessing the meeting with laptops and relatively small screens).

The Sensus logo is available here.

Handouts, videos and other materials

We offer two options to allow you to make handouts, posters and mini-videos available to conference participants. Our preferred option is that you make all your materials available through the conference OSF meeting site. You will receive an invitation to upload your materials to the site shortly as well as instructions about how to do this. The OSF meeting site will allow you to upload materials yourself, which is the easiest option for us.

Sensus OSF link:

If you prefer, we would also be happy to host your materials in a shared online folder and provide the links to the participants ourselves. If this is your preferred method, please let us know right away so we can coordinate the timeline for the materials and how the link is to be shared.

For those of you who will be uploading videos to the OSF site, we would like to ask you to make sure the materials are available by September 24.

Please send us your handout/poster as a .pdf by email to as soon as it is ready (before your session!). We would like to have a back up during the talks/posters in case the OSF technology lets us down.

Preparing video presentations (for poster presenters)

You can record a video presentation in the recommended mp4-format via Zoom (the free version of Zoom will do). Here is a link to a short YouTube video prepared by Hans van de Koot at UCL with instructions/suggestions for recording video presentations via Zoom (thanks to the SuB25 conference organizers for making this known):
Let us know if you run into any difficulties when recording your video.

Emergency contact

We will make an effort to make sure all our communication channels are open during the conference in case there are any last-minute glitches that need to be taken care of. This includes personal emails. If you are concerned that this may not be sufficient, we would also be happy to share personal phone numbers and set up a Sensus WhatsApp list. Please let us know.