Category Archives: News & Announcements

News & Announcements

Lecture by Dr. Nolan Cabrera

Appropriating the Master’s Tools: Critical Quant Analyses and the Fight For Ethnic Studies

In the summer of 2010, the state of Arizona passed a law banning the teaching of Mexican American Studies in Tucson Unified School District. This presentation will explore the role that critical quantitative analyses played in defending the program all the way through the recently decided Federal case. It will also provide insights into the ethnic studies renaissance currently underway nationally as inspired by the struggle in Tucson. Dr. Cabrera was one of three academic expert witnesses for the plaintiffs in Tucson Unified Mexican American Studies case (Arce v. Douglas).


Nolan Cabrera is Associate Professor in the Center for the Study Higher Education at the University of Arizona.

Thursday, October 11th @ 11:30am-12:45pm | UMass Amherst Furcolo 101

*Professional development with Ethnic Studies teachers and students on Thursday, October 11th, 4-5:30pm, at Holyoke High School Library (500 Beech St, Holyoke, MA 01040)

*Book talk and dialogue on Friday, October 12th, 10-11:15am, Furcolo N113

Video of the Cabrera Lecture will be available soon. 

News & Announcements

Lecture by Dr. Ezekiel Dixon-Román

Critical Theory and Quantification

If post-truth political discourse might be characterized by a play on affective predispositions and bodily responses of old beliefs that re-appear as new, then we might understand post-truth as a play on the ‘error’ of quantitative instrumental reason. This paper will rethink the instrumentality of quantitative social science reason via a new materialist reconceptualizing of ‘error’, the stochastic term, and the randomness of quantitative modeling. Not only is this necessary for developing a critical theory of quantification but also to move toward a sharper understanding and critique of the affective play of post-truth political discourse.


Ezekiel Dixon-Román is Associate Professor and Chair of the Data Analytics for Social Policy Certificate Program in the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania.

Thursday, September 20, 2018 @ 11:30am-12:45pm | UMass Amherst Furcolo 101

Video of the Dixon-Román Lecture will be available soon. 

News & Announcements

Colloquia Day “Critical With/For Whom?”

“Critical” With/For Whom?: Doing Research on Tricky Ground

Wednesday, April 19th, 10:30am-3:30pm, Furcolo Hall 101

Special guest Dr. Sonia Nieto

Featured speaker Dr. Timothy San Pedro

Session 1: Higher Education, Disability and Community Resources

Session 2: Youth Cultures, Languages and Literacies

Multimedia Gallery: Digital Stories and Podcast

Please join us!

News & Announcements

Lecture by Dr. Timothy San Pedro

Critical Listening and Storying: Sustaining Relationships Within and Beyond Research

Relying on intersections of Humanizing Research and Indigenous Research Methodologies, San Pedro discusses the importance of centering relationships through critical listening and storying. Doing so provides greater opportunities to co-construct shared truths and realities in our pluralistic society. This work is framed as Projects in Humanization, which attempts to remove the often times dehumanizing “slash” between researcher/participant and into more productive spaces where collective desires for educational, political, and social change may be forged because they come from places of mutual respect, reciprocity, and answerability.

Timothy San Pedro, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Multicultural and Equity Studies at The Ohio State University.

Wednesday, April 19 @ 12:00-1:15pm | UMass Amherst Furcolo 101

Video of the San Pedro Lecture will be available soon. 


News & Announcements

Race & Freedom Forum

Critical Methodologies Seminar Series: Race & Freedom Forum

This forum seeks to engage overlapping conversations about the illusion of freedom, language of difference, and centrality of race in education as part of ongoing national public discourse. Drs. Lyiscott and Matias will offer perspectives based on their research and practice in K-16 settings. Dr. Tinson will cohere ideas with his research and historical analysis of social movements.


Jamila Lyiscott, Ph.D., is Postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute of Urban Minority Education (IUME) at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Cheryl Matias, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado, Denver.

Chris Tinson, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in the School of Critical Social Inquiry at Hampshire College.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 @ 12:00-2:00pm | UMass Amherst Furcolo 101 

Video of the Forum will be made available soon.

News & Announcements

New Podcast

Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 5.34.28 PMGraduate students in “Pedagogical Foundations of Social Justice Education” produced podcasts to help (re)frame and expand historical and contemporary understandings of critical pedagogy as it manifests in various social contexts.

Check out “SJE Voices Podcast” (fall 2016)!

News & Announcements

Lecture by Dr. Zeus Leonardo

Educative Violence: Social Movements, Fanon, and the Racial State

This presentation revisits Fanon’s theory of violence, violence’s multiple levels of expression in social life, and the intellectual’s relationship with violence as both an educational and ethical problem. That is, how is education a form of violence and how does violence contain an educative moment? Over 50 years after its publication, Wretched’s original and generative theory of violence remains relevant as both an explanatory framework for race/colonial relations and violence’s conditions of possibility.


Dr. Zeus Leonardo is Professor of Social and Cultural Studies in the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 @ 12:00-1:15pm | UMass Integrative Learning Center N211 

Video of the Leonardo lecture available.

News & Announcements

Lecture by Dr. Marcelle Haddix

Haddix_Lecture flyer 2016When My Reflection Looks Back at Me: Race, Gender, and Literacy in Community-Engaged Scholarship

In this talk, Dr. Haddix will share her journey as a community engaged scholar whose work is deeply informed by her intersecting identities of being a Black woman, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, and researcher. She will describe theoretical and methodological moves from the beginning and throughout her research inquiries, highlighting examples from her work with urban youth in the Writing Our Lives project, with Black adolescent girls in the Dark Girls Celebration of Black Girlhood project, and with students of color in teacher preparation programs.

Dr. Marcelle Haddix is Dean’s Associate Professor and chair of the Reading and Language Arts department in the Syracuse University School of Education.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016 @ 12:30-1:30pm | UMass Amherst Furcolo Hall 101

*Book signing at 11:30am, Furcolo Hub

Video of the Haddix lecture available.

News & Announcements

Lecture by Dr. Tiffany S. Lee

Lee lecture flyerThe Significance of K’é (Relationships) in Research with Indigenous Youth

Relationships are the cornerstone of Indigenous community life.  They are how Indigenous people come to understand the nature of their community, their identity, and their role for contributing to their community.  In Diné terms, this is known as the practice of k’é. Research with Indigenous peoples that embodies the practice of k’é provides for culturally relevant, sensitive, and appropriate methodologies, and research practices that are in line with Indigenous epistemologies and axiologies.  Dr. Lee will share how k’é has been present in her research with Indigenous youth and teachers, and how k’é fosters other tenets of Indigenous research practices – respect, responsibility and reciprocity.

Dr. Tiffany S. Lee, Diné (Navajo) from Crystal, NM and Oglala Lakota from Pine Ridge, SD, is an Associate Professor in Native American Studies at the University of New Mexico.

Wednesday, March 9 @ 6:00-7:00pm | UMass Amherst Campus Center 168C

Video of the Lee lecture available.

News & Announcements

Social Work | Social Justice Education Symposium

SW:SJE symposium“Adelante: Supporting and Retaining Latina Adult College Students through a Social Justice Perspective”

Dr. Pérez will share research on a student mutual aid group that seeks to support and retain Latina non-traditional college students with degree completion along the educational pipeline. The model of Adelante Circle of Support will be described. This work draws on a social justice orientated approach in education to actively address the dynamics of oppression, privilege, and isms, recognizing that society is the product of historically rooted, institutionally sanctioned stratification based on race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability.


Dr. Madeline Pérez is Associate Professor of Social Work and Director of Institute for Latino Community Practice at the University of St. Joseph.

“Building a Foundation for Racial Justice in Child Welfare: Supporting the Development of Cultural Humility Skills”
Dr. De Jesús will present research, training and consultation activities that seek to reduce racial disparity and disproportionality along the child welfare continuum.  Findings of a mixed methods study of a Racial Equity and Cultural Competency Training and Consultation model will be described. Using a Cultural Humility framework for analysis, qualitative interviews with training participants provide rich examples of key cultural humility skills and practice principles.
Dr. Anthony de Jesús is Associate Professor of Social Work and Director of MSW Field Education at the University of St. Joseph.


Wednesday, October 28, 4-6pm | UMass Amherst Du Bois Library 2601

Video of the Pérez lecture and de Jesús lecture available.
News & Announcements

Colloquia Day “Love as Action”

Colloquia Day flier_final
Love as Action: Pushing Boundaries in Community-Based Research and Practice

Wednesday, April 29, 12-6pm, UMass Campus Center 162



“Love as Action and Social Justice in Austere Times”

“Autoethnopoems and Digital Stories in Emerging Research”

“Making Our Work Count Locally and Globally”

“Youth Participatory Action Research and Multimedia Production”


News & Announcements

Lecture by Dr. David O. Stovall

Stovall_Lecture 2015Research from the Margins: Accountable Community Engagement Towards Solidarity and Justice

This talk approaches research from the perspective of Critical Race Praxis which challenges members of the research community to spend less time with abstract theories and more time on the ground with communities of color who are experiencing injustice. Stovall’s comments are centered on the intersection of race, class, and housing in the city of Chicago, where the neoliberal turn has deepened the isolation of African-American and Latin@ communities throughout the city.

Dr. David O. Stovall is Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies and African-American Studies at the University of Illinois, Chicago.


Tuesday, March 31 @ 6:00-7:00pm | UMass Amherst Lincoln Campus Center 165

Video of the Stovall lecture available.

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